Fuck Laduke's car, love4boost doesn't know what across means.

ive already had members on shift call the police on me in the past theres no such thing as stealth mode, I dont need any federal charges lol.

People do raffles illegally all of the time.

VT isn’t much better, states like people to be gambling money in their games not other peoples games.

$100 fine and upto 6 months in jail unless you’re a business or a charity.


i can tell you from experience too, paypal will lock down your account so fast itll make your head spin if someone sends you money and puts “raffle” in the subject :lol

not even illegal, since it was for a 401c3 club i was in (raffled off a trailer for a fundraiser). just paypals policy

its a long story but theres DEF some jealous fucking rats on this site that are too pussy to admit it… No Cossy, not talking about you, that was a misunderstanding due to Jess

Yeah there are plenty of haters on Shift.

You’re by far not the first person to have cops called on them :ahh :facepalm

Ah, guess stealth mode is out then.
The way they work shit, you would probably have to pay more than the car is worth to do it leagally.

$100 fine isn’t bad, fuck jail tho.

There are definitely some rat faggots on here. Especially when it comes to posting about women.

I think your talking about me but I dont get it… Want to clarify?

Buncha faggots in general on here.

I wasn’t actually. I don’t consider you a rat at all.

nah, the posting about woman… I am def guilty of that, but didnt know why that would be a bad thing? I mean who on this website doesnt want to see ass, tits and vagina?

yea, i was referring to the fact that 90% of the ratting that takes place is related to posts like those.

Fuck no man I love those kinds of god damn posts. MOAR TITZ!!!

See link in sig

Fucking Dodge GARBAGE!

My viper is a peice of shit. I’m just not gonna drive it. I’m not gonna sell it either. My truck is so sweeeeeeeeeeeeet though. I think I’m gonna get a blower and hopefully that will fix the 4wd. I don’t really need it anyway.


:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl

This forum is never a let down!!! :rofl

Fuckin red is killin it