Fuck Laduke's car, love4boost doesn't know what across means.

price of house is $65,000

Im paying 10% down payment which is $6,500

I then hand you $5k in cash which I am giving you for whatever the hell you want to spend it on… Im giving it to you for your first yrs mortage but hey, if you wanna buy a car with it? Drugs? whores? go right ahead lol.

End results is your paying $53,500 for the house.

what if I just want the house stocked with 11.5K worth of drugs and whores and I make my own down payment, could that be arragned?

If you supply your own drugs, sure… ill supply 2-3 whores on the house.

Wait, so the Eclipse is a better investment than real estate?


You can’t drive a house across the country.


waAAAIIIIITTTTT…actually you can, i just asked my lawyer

Ill give you a 1.25 per pound for the car…Are we agreed ?

1.85 no less

Im out…GLWS :lol

where’s the TITS!?



good damn it i had Cash in hand! just kidding, glad you sold it. was the buyer very happy?

Its a wierd deal, guy came aall the way from PA to look at it… Took him for a test drive, beat the motherfucking shitt out of it on the highway lol… Guy said he liked it but didnt give me the cash lol… I assumed he didnt want it… This morning he does a buy it now on my ebay ad then calls me up and says I bought it…I said uhhh, why didnt you buy it when you test drive the car instead of driving 8 hours to come look it? His response was, “I didnt have anything to do that day anyway”

Regaurdless, hes coming up on wednesday to pick it up and yes, he absolutely loves the car, kind of annoying to be honest, everytime he calls its an hour conversation.

He just wanted to make sure he could drive it across the country when he took it back home.

any chance you’ll give him the URL to this thread? lol

get back to work pesant.

Sure, after I get the cash lol… Funny thing is, its for his son so he plans on dropping the boost down to 8 pounds.

whats the watstgate spring rated for?