Fuck Laduke's car, love4boost doesn't know what across means.


im not sure, but hell prolly end up just running off it as he doesnt care about making alot of power.

thats called no wastegate at all muchacho lol

cobra has no “wastegates”…the gates of hell have to open to regulate my boost mother fucker



wellll no. the turb will blow up eventually lol…before infinity



ok so the car cant run less than 14 psi, does the buyer know that?

Who cares? He can change the WG spring if he wants, it’s not like it takes a genius.

Are you being serious now? For real? Did you tell me the honda civic I bought from you was going to blow up a month after I bought it?? Grow the fuck up dude, I didnt even know what the wastegate spring was rated at how the fuck or why the fuck would I tell him that?.. I thought you were cool, but it seems your just a douche like half this forum.

uhh ohhzz

:poplets get it on!

I gotta let the seller no the weight of the car, I gotta let the seller no the current hp rating of the car, I gotta let the seller no that the car is not reliable for daily driving at high boost, now I gotta let the seller no that he HAS to run 14lbs of boost when I didnt even know that… Meanwhile Eatenualives selling me Honda Civics that Blows up after putting 2,000 miles on them… OHH BOYYY, your a crook, a scammer, a thief!!!

funny thing is I never even called him up complaining bc I didnt care. I was the dummy who didnt go through the car, it was my fault… Dont buy something unless you feel comfertible buying it, end of story… If someone legit wanted me to drive the car to get it weighed I’d hang the phone up on them, especially when its a $4,000 car lol… Alotta Vacations cost more then $4k lol.


go to your corners and bow to your sensei

2000miles is a lot. Theres no way to predict an engine blowing up 2000miles in advance theres no way to know

There was an oil leak and a friend told me it looked like it had been leaking for a while… Again, im not mad, but dont tell me to tell people shit when you yourself arent telling me shit. I bought the car for someone and they were supposed to pay it back, it kinda fucked me up as the person felt they didnt have to pay me back bc it blew up… I ended up having to pay the money for a new motor and it not come out of what was owed to me.

lol, hope she was cute

Yeh but if your not noticing an oil puddle after every night u park it for 2000miles shes gotta wake up lol

sadly she wasnt but her having a car made me money so i kinda was forced to lol

def a prostitute