Fuck Laduke's car, love4boost doesn't know what across means.

Dont feel bad for me, trust me :wink:

ā€¦yurr the 1 gettin married, I feel bad for you :slight_smile:

I took it as a insult as Iā€™m low on the pole so to say . Didnā€™t try starting with ya actually . Trust me man I made money and a lot of it when I was younger and in dumb ass ways . I paid for it hard as well , I lost most of my teen yrs and the first half of my 20,s by doing what I was . Trustttt me id love to be back in it and at times wanna esp now . Butt Iā€™m not losing my kids and what I have for nothing and Iā€™m proud for where I hqve come by my own hands and hard work . Cause letā€™s face it , in this world all ya hqve and can trust is yourself . I also learned that the hard way , esp when your own dad and best friend turn ya in and sine the paper that burry you

Great post, John. Tons of respect for you.

What I do is legal though lolā€¦ I meant if you could make 10 times more not busting your ass LEGALLYā€¦ The gold business is no jokeā€¦ Cars, electronics ext are just side shit, I know people in the business making $30k a week on a slow week. When my father was away I was working for him, my best week I made $52k in 1 fucking weekā€¦ Thats money I never knew anyone could make and he wasnt even like ā€œgood jobā€ or anything lol.

thats fucked up about your dad and best friend though, I cant imagine some shit like that happening to me, fuck.

Life is a whole lot easier when you stop worrying about everyone else is doing around you and you focus on what makes YOU happy and what YOU can do to improve your own life. @31 years old, Iā€™m content staying with my parents (and taking care of them due to them having special needs), fixing airplanes for a decent wage and being a ā€˜gearheadā€™ and a guy that likes to party. I could not care any less if someone on an internet forum, IRL, whatever tried to tell me what I should be, and not be doing. Conversely, Iā€™ve met a lot of good people on this (and other) internet forums, but those people like me for me (no homo), and not how I choose to live my life or spend my money, or even care what I drive.

You should not being calling me 12 times in a row at 5:30 am.

Iā€™m going to make an effort to stop the drunk dialing. Itā€™s been getting out of control the last few times Iā€™ve drank. Sorry bud.

  • rep for both :lol

this thread sucks.

Paint looks KILLER


lololol, he did that to me like a week or two ago

He still randomely texts.me off the wall shit lol

Chris is a good dude. Known him for awhile now. To me, it looks like heā€™s calling him out because he wasnā€™t being so honest about the sale. Nothing wrong with that IMO. Anyone else would do the same if they knew the details on the car. Itā€™s not that hard to be honest. People appreciate it more when youā€™re upfront when you try to sell something.

It seems every other post Love4Boost is talking about money this, money that, making it rain, buying shit for people and knocking people out. How old are you? Because someone talked tough on the internet forum youā€™re gonna knock them out? Good way to end up in jail or shot.

Calm the fuck down RBK, we donā€™t need a baller showdown here. Yaā€™ll both been had hundretz.


Still didnt sell huh. Why didnt you do auction style?

someones supposuively coming up today to buy it from nyc, how true that is im not sureā€¦ Bids on ebay dont go high for cars at allā€¦ Itā€™d prolly reach $3k which is what I got it for, I wanna make at leaast a grand on it.

This thread legit sucks shift sucks end of story everyone needs lifeā€™sā€¦


I fucking hate sammys whiney drama voice.