Fuck Laduke's car, love4boost doesn't know what across means.

paul, i think he makes the same as you, and he sits in a booth and does homework. tough job, right?

but then again hes 30 years old and in debt up to his ears.

or not.

what the FUCK are you talking about

he posted videos a while back of an asian lady that couldnt figure out how to fill her car with gas. Theyre on here somewhere.

Did you fap to it?

nope. Asians are a turn off for me.

yeah i was the one recording it.

No reason to take that as disrespect towards you or anyone else that gets an hourly wage busting his ass, Dave is a good dude… he’s obviously going to take a shot at others way/rate of money making when they are saying shit about his ways of doing business.

Correct, he did that because he was hungry and figured everyone else probably was too. It was a nice gesture and everyone appreciated it. Everyone’s so quick to judge someone they’ve never met.

Don’t you think that making fun of Paul is getting old and repetitive? Paul does what he wants, just like everyone else. If his life path isn’t up to your standards – oh well. Really though… I like you and I think you’re an awesome dude, but back off of the guy already.

No, but I did. :cone

kool story pjb … and give back boostcreeps remote !

Yea wtf pjb, why did you steal his remote??

he continues to leave himself open to it. he refuses to take peoples advice, always complains about his vehicles, and his job. yet is so hardheaded that he refuses to change his ways and better himself. i have never met someone so content with “just making it” and being so settled in their ways. its sickening.

Some people are content with very little… I honestly wish I was that way sometimes.

it would be understandable if he was content that way, and owned his own home, or lived on his own, and had no payments, but man i couldnt get by like that. pay check to paycheck is no way to live in my eyes

jellies is just something else man, like a robot or something

At least he’s not a Christian sheep-bot.

but he loves him some sheep Butt.

Nothings wrong with making $12 an hour if you are humble NOT talking shit about someone elses way of making money, youd be full of shit if you said you denied a chance to make 10 times what you make now by NOT busting your ass… You people obviously are half retarded to not be able to see where im coming from.

Let me rephrase a quote for ya… “im the uneducated fuck that has to hustle shit box cars, houses, gold, electronics in hope to make a buck for the rest of my life”

If he said that to my face he’d be sleeping on the fucking ground like an NYC bum. I called no one a chump, I just want to let this little faggot bitch no that I sit on my ass all day watching dvds and fucking around on craigslist and facebook and make more then hell ever make “HUSTLING my shit box cars, houses, gold & electronics”

I thought we put our problems behind us but if you want to stand up for this little fucking pecker head then fuck you bro, for the 100th time, show me a motherfucking thread where I PERSONALLY AM THE ONE WHO STARTS SHIT… Youll NEVER find it… I aint no fucking ni99er, when desrespected I dont turn the other cheek, I speak whats on my mind…

Chris may very well be a good dude, but I dont like the way he talks… Im suppose to let him run his mouth and still talk to him politely? You out of your fucking mind?.. I never said I knew anything about hondas either btw lol… I know a little bit but I HATE hondas… Bought the s2000 bc its rwd, I bought ladukes civic becuase I was going to strip off the turbo kit, use the turbo and make money on it N/A…

once again, you are barking up a bad tree man. ya gotta relax.


there ya go.

lol wow. This is a dead end street. There is no point to even keep this thread going. Everytime you post, trying to make yourself feel better you make yourself look more and more like a tool. You seem so Ego absorbed I feel bad for ya.

Stop. Just stop. :Idiots