Fuck Laduke's car, love4boost doesn't know what across means.

Yeh because I’m sure the guy that drove it has an accurate ass dyno and he could tell it was 370whp

Does it matter if he does or doesnt? It feels fast, wtf else is there? 80% of people with turbo cars have no idea wtf there making you dumb fuck.

Correct, I’m the uneducated fuck that has to hustle shit box cars, houses, gold, electronics in hope to make a buck for the rest of my life. Look in the mirror, keep lying to innocent buyers, you’ll have yours come to you someday

Hustling to make a buck?? Dude, true story I make more in a week then you do in 6 months BECUASE I hustle lol… Lski came to my store today and I gave him $500 for a peice of shit pocket watch that anyone else woulda gave him $100 for. Dont speak about what the fuck you dont know about. In lake george for the car meet I spent $80 on pizza for 2 dozen people Ive met once in my life… fuck money, fuck fucking people over fuck all of that, I tweak ads becuase im a motherfucking salseman not some $12 an hour faggot that makes his boss a million a year while hes stuggling to make a G a week.

So you ripped yourself off on a watch to have a friend because you can’t get them any other way, seriously dude $80 is A TON of money. Nothing I would ever know about, and once again buying pizza for people in hope that they would accept you for a friend. It’s pretty pathetic, I almost feel bad for you. Running around your whole life acting like you have money just to be accepted, must be rough

lol, you mad bro? You mad spending $80 on pizza would break your bank? When you go to the movies do you go to cvs prior to buy drinks and candy cuz the extra $8 they charge you at the theatre sets you back?

It’s ok bro, I feel for you.

BTW, I still made money on the watch, Just not to the point where I raped the kid… Im sure he woulda been perfectly happy if I had said $300

Ahh another money joke who woulda guessed. Yeh we know we know your ballin outta fuckin control, what’d you buy turbo Travis because he seems to wanna hang out with ya now

"GOT MY MIND ON MY MONEY AND MONEY ON MY MIND "- life of loveforboost

Hell yeah

hell yea drink and candies at the cvs i do that, and i knew you weren’t calculating shit with that calculator ahah

I’m an 11 dollar an hour faggot :’(

nah actually i was lol

i did 1880 (gold price) divided by 20 (an ounce) times the karat (14k = 583) times the percent I get paid = and thats the number I came up with and subtracked $80 to it… I made $80 off the deal. Anyone else I shoulda made at leaast a couple hundred.

Didnt mean any disrespect by that man, I used to park cars for $9.50 an hour lol… Difference is germanpsi is hating while I cant be certain, but im pretty sure if you could make $10k-15k a week “hustling” you would correct?

haha im just kidding… just working a shit job for now until the winter when I have some time to look for a real job.

Germanpsi once brought me one slice of pizza in toga when I was fucked up then I found 5 bucks in my pocket. And told him he said I’m not worried I’m fucking ballin lol.

“hustling” is selling drugs, is it not?

this thread sucks. Chris is a good dude and he just so happens to know things about Honda’s. Not the person I would pick a fight trying to tell other wise.

no need to get into this money shit either. You do it all the time, and your the only one. Your like the pjb of “I get money”


So what’s wrong wit being a 12 hr faggot ? I bust my Dick honestly and thhere is no shame in that . No I don’t make 12 hr I make more than that but who the Fuck are u to call them chumps? If it wasn’t for them u wouldn’t be as baller as u think u are .


rofl !! hahaa

Dave is a cool guy in person. He didnt buy pizza to buy friends, he just did a nice thing for us that were hanging out.

And Chris, youre busting on him making bank while youre showing stupid asian women where to put the gas nozzle at BJ’s?