FUCK people


^^^^^^ i heard you’re gay



Forget about both of them. Sorry but thats what you need to do.

yea it sucks man, i know what your going through though just went through the same thing myself earlier in the month

only diff is i was with her for almost 3 years, 3 wasted years lol


I will say, once you were engaged and needed a split…end things there for good.

You shouldn’t need a break to decide if you want to marry the person or not.

You’ll move on slowly… but you will.

Yeah women suck.

that sucks, I had a girl that I devoted myself to, she cheated 1ce… i forgave her… then she broke up with me to be with this guy for awhile… she decided he wasn’t for her… Stupidly I still took her back, then… she cheats on me again…
Seriously I know how you feel about her being special… but about a year later I found someone who loves me back and it’s great, We will be getting married aug 18th of this year :slight_smile: it’s hard to say / hear but I’d say e-bay the gifts, see if she’ll give the ring back, and move on.

^ cheaters don’t stop. and it will never work out in the end. The past and thoughts never, ever go away. They are a waste of space. so congrats to you for moving on as well.

[quote=“98 Red Ex,post:20,topic:25029"”]

Haha alright, thanks for the colorful responses. I dont know why the fuck I made this crazy ass post last night and threw my private affairs on a public forum with you people to read it ;). I dont know, i just woke up and I didnt call anyone or anything. WOO, that was a weird night.


Because alcohol inhibits judgement, especially in regards to anything social.


Because alcohol inhibits judgement, especially in regards to anything social.


Haha how true it is.

Well, it was still written better than 75% of the posts in here made by sober people.

yep this is said the best once a cheater always a cheater.

Sorry to hear it bro. I’ll give you a heads up on what happened to me…

I was best friends with a girl who was so beautiful, we were best friends for 5+ years and she always found assholes who treated her bad, blah blah you know the type.

Well after I went to college and she was in high school still she decided she wanted to be with me, we ended up messing around, sex, etc. all the amazing stuff. It was like picture perfect fantasy dream land type.

Well then randomly one day she is hanging out with her ex bf and tells me they are dating again!??@ Now only am I furious because she didn’t end anything with me, but she expects nothing to change with us being friends and go back the way.

Well I said fuck that, became depressed, drank alot and failed out of college. Went back he next semester without speaking to her in like 6+ months. I get my life back on track, pulling a 4.0 gpa, working again. Happy, etc.

She contacts me, complains how much she misses me and all that. I ignore her even longer, a semester goes by same thing. But then I missed her, and gave in. We got close again and she did the same thing we hooked up, started doing things like couples, she even considered me her bf. All was cool til one day she met one of my friends who is a dancer/model (sigh).

Abou 2-3 weeks later apparently they are hanging out and dating without word to me. I tell her to fuck off, never wanna see her again etc.

I had no pity or sympathy for when he left her for some actress in LA and to start his career or whatever. She tried to contact me everyday crying and I just ignored her and continued doing my thing at school, graduated with honors and moved on and up here to Buffalo.

I ended up meeting an amazing girl who I trust and love who I know is not insecure and shallow like the previous girl was. I never speak to the best friend anymore and its better that way.

So all in all it happens to the best of us, my advice is this:

Don’t let it get you down, she is probably just a shallow girl who will realize everything she has lost one day and come crying back, and by then you will have been far moved on and better off without her. Better yourself, and never look back.

She is exactly like that girl you described.

I guess I’m going to do what I can to not look back, more than anything it really blows to lose someone I considered to be such a good friend. I mean, we were really close and thats hard to forget.

that blows. sorry to hear that man.

ur young, plenty of women out there