Fuck Shippingport cops...

how do i get out of a window tint violation in shippingport? peel the shit off and be on my way or just pay the 105 dollar fine? im about to say fuck bith and not pay and not peel. all these surcharges on tickets is bullshit.

i also have to peel my pittspeed sticker off my windshield.

it was in pennsylvania, are they gonna hunt you down in WV :kekegay:


my jigga packs a 9 and i pack a 45 come get me pig fuckers!

if it was in pa, you dont have to abide by the law cause you live in wv i think

not tru i have the ticket in front of me., maybe i should call tomorrow and see whats up/

do you have pa or wv plates?

i dont think they can ticket you… seeing that WV is very hillbillyish and has no laws, i think you are allowed to have tint

call & see,dont think u need too,cause u date ur sister:dah:i mean live in wv

ill call but i think you have to pay or peel your tint… anybody wanna go cop huntin in shippingport?

not if u ilive in a state were its legal?

Blonde? Petite? Female? Smoker?

get a note from the eye dr saying you have sensitive eyes

150% correct. If you live and your vehicle is registered in WV THEY CAN NOT TICKET YOU call the local magistrate and bitch about harrassment…

I hope this is true. Makiong cops look like dumbasses is fun.

Wasn’t your hearing during Halloween and the judge dressed up like that drunk judge?

yeah the judge dressed up like Patrick McFalls. Stumbled in with his robe half on and a bottle of Jack in his hand. Fell into the chair and pretended to be wasted. Was letting everyone off. One chick dressed uip like I dream of Genie, and she had an inflatable lamp. One of the clerks grabbed it and pretended to hit it like a bong. Then pretended to pass it to the judge, who just started cracking up laughing. THere was a bunch of other shit that i dont feel like typing out. Its one of those things where you wish to god that you had more witnesses to vouch for you. Only one that was there with me was my buddy from Kittanning.

Yes its 100% true. ANY cop worth two shits should know this also. Thats why I say you try and get him for harassment and have him pay the cort costs.

If you are an out of stater and its legal in your state they can;t fuck with you. Too boot he doesn’t even know the PA laws if he is ticketing you so how the fuck is he going to know the WV laws. This is the type of asshole you try and make look so bad he starts flipping burgers for a living.

he was like it needs to be 70% i was like yeha im fucked 21% when he tested mine… and then he said you know 21 is illegal in wv too. i was like i never get pulled over for it… i wanted to say this is a crock of shit so burn in hell you fucking pig.

you need to contact some one locally in your state. This guy is busting your balls, thinking your some dumb kid.

He doesn’t have the authority to tell you what is illegal in your state. Especially if he is a local fuck.

here better yet.

Print out this whole site

and tell him to find you where it says its illegal or the limitations like PA does. Because I know I can’t find it. Or if you go to the magistrate have the officer state the WV title and show documentation that it is Illegal If he can’t its going to get thrown out.

I sort of like the throwing the whole code book at him and tell him to find it method personally. It will make him look like a bigger idiot.