PA Window Tint Information

Its all been talked about before… Yes, Window Tint. Lets get the facts here
The best way to avoid getting a window tint ticket is to simply not install window tint

![ cartoon2.gif]( cartoon2.gif)

Window Tinting is Legal in Pennsylvania because neither the Statute, which the legislature has enacted according to the will of the people, nor the Regulation, which the Administration has passed to clarify the law, prohibit it.

Note that the law only prohibits tinting which prevents a person from seeing or viewing the inside of the vehicle. It does not prohibit all tinting or tinting below 70%.

(1.) Note also that it does NOT say that a person must be able to view the inside of the vehicle, only that the tint cannot prevent a person from seeing in. (no one can see into a vehicle at night, even with clear windows) Also the way the law is stated it is only requiring that a person be able to see the inside either through the windshield, side wing OR side window. If the word ‘and’ was used instead of ‘or’ it would require viewing through all of the mentioned windows.

The Law therefore implicitly permits any tinting which does not prevent a person from seeing or viewing the inside of the vehicle.

TABLE X ( This is what Police will show you when your pulled over )


If you read Table X, you’ll see that it doesn’t really “prohibit” anything. It mentions “acceptable” transmittances, but it doesn’t even say “what” such figures are “acceptable” for? Nor is it referred to in the actual regulation, except to say that vehicles permitted by FMVSS205 are NOT subject to Table X. If the lawyers meant to say (i.e. were legally permitted to say…) that tint below 70% was actually illegal, they would have simply written ‘Tint below 70% is prohibited, unacceptable, and illegal.’ All the other Regulations are worded this way, (reject if headlight does not work, reject if glass is broken, etc).


The Police are aware that Table X is contained within the Inspection Regulations that are meant for Inspection Stations only. However, they think that Inspections Stations just didn’t want to be bothered enforcing the tint law, so they asked PENNDOT to let them illegally pass illegal vehicles so that the police could then stop and cite the vehicles as they drove out with valid Inspection Stickers.

Table X is NOT a LAW! Police will pull you over and say you are iilegal according to Table X. Yet you are cited for 4524 (e) (1) Which clearly state that there is nothing wrong with having window tint on the rear side and rear window.

Now it is alot harder to win a tint ticket when you do have tint on your front and side roll up windows.

But here are some tips when your pulled over and in Court:

  1. Have a piece of paper in the car with the sentence, “If you can read this with my window up, then I’m not in violation”.
    show the sign in court, and ask the officer if they read that sign when I was in my car with the windows up. If he states yes, then you are on your way.

  2. Simply roll your windows down where you know you have problems with tint tickets.

  3. Try the “And, Or” as stated above.

  4. Make them work for their money! Request for “Bill Of Particulars”
    There are Questions you are entitled to ask, and samples of documents you can request from your accusers. Rules of Criminal Procedure 572 entitles you to receive answers BEFORE the trial.
    ( I have a form written up that you can fill in your name and sent to the court, PM for that Microsoft Works File. With this you may have a very good chance at winning.)

Being Stopped for Window Tint

Any officer will admit that they are trained to always have a reason. They could say, “the vehicle was swerving”, or “he did not come to a full stop a a stop sign”, but they are trained to NEVER just say, “I had a feeling” or “something seemed suspicious.”

If an officer noticed that he was unable to "see or view the inside of the vehicle through the windshield, side wing or side window " then he would say you violated the PA Statute and he has probable cause to stop your vehicle (not to search it), and cite you.

If measurements of a window were taken without a search warrant or the owner’s consent, a court would rule such evidence as inadmissible.

so even if the readings were admitted, they would be irrelevant. Not only are the meters not approved, there simply is no Law (Statute) that even mentions percentages or transmittances.

if an officer stopped a vehicle only because he noticed the presence of tint, that would not constitute sufficient probable cause to warrant a vehicle stop and therefore the Court would rule that

I will be adding more information as it comes in but for now here are some of the facts. Please keep this thread clean of questions.
If you get pulled over for tint and feel like complaining and posting about it then go to “Off Topic”
Thank you

shut the fuck up, faggot.

Option B

Don’t put it on.

Seriously what the fuck did I say. no stupid remarks. people wanted a thread with facts. I gave that to them

good shit dude keep it posting tint can be dumb but its nice to have

+1 I’m in for fighting tint laws. I loved my tint.

just because everyone that hates tint drives a POS my truck is nice and tinted and i hate cops that actually enforce the rules… bastard. but i deal with it and either fight it or peel it or pay the fine. glad to see some good work on the tint law. keep it up homie

i have no idea i didnt read a thing you wrote. I just saw it was about tint, and we all know you’re a faggot… erego…

uh I LOVE tint.

Just start a petition. 20% should be legal :slight_smile:

I’ll give you $50 to say it to my face. hell, I’ll even let you keep it as a parting gift along with your 2 black eyes

I have 35% because it’s a good mix of looking much better than no tint and still keeping full vision. So far I’ve had absolutely zero problems yet.

I have 35% on the doors and 5% on the back glass, well see how the paper sign test works.

Good info always a very sketchy subject one cop says one thing and then a different one another. THANKS

So what happened with this? All of those who got nailed leaving beaver run did you remove it or fight it? win/loss? Find out the truth about the “tint law”

has anyone done the sign test. I just bought a car with tint on it and i know as soon as i take the ohio paper license plate off this local cop is going to bust me. Im going to try it the next time its nice out and my car isnt covered in 2 inches of snow.

Are you stupid or can’t you read?

The table below is designed to assist you in determining what level of sun screening is acceptable under the
current regulations. The percentages represent the total minimum light transmittance permitted. For example,
if the minimum light transmittance noted is 70%, this means 70% of the light contacting the window must pass through the window.

I wouldn’t recommend the sign test, im sure it will infuriate the officer. What I do recommend is allow him to meter it, appeal your loss at the magistrate then take it on down town.
They write tickets for it, so therefore they consider it illegal. you will have to endure the punishment of proving them wrong.

Just because you read on some website that the statute says “or” when you and the internet tint brigade think it should say “and” doesn’t mean you are getting away with anything. The law is not read and interpreted in the way that you suggest, EVER. Spend a few years reading judicial opinions and you will realize why the shit you are saying is about as fucking stupid as it gets.

Most of your post doesn’t make sense in its own right, but let’s go just half a step further and look at what you’re saying about Table X, since that seems to be a focal point. The regulation, 67 Pa. Code 175.67(d)(4), directly references Table X. Let’s read that again, but slow it down. The regulation - that’s what PennDOT promulgates as an administrative agency authorized to promulgate EXACTLY that type of regulation - directly - that means, unlike most of what you’re saying, it is both clear and explicit, instead of fucking convoluted and only implicit for retards - references Table X, which is PennDOT’s administrative clarification of the standards as they are stated in the regulation. You’re right that the idea of some person “not able to see” inside your vehicle is vague, so you know what? Those wily motherfuckers went and DEFINED THAT FOR YOU, YOU STUPID FUCKING TEST TUBE BABY.

While we’re here, let me quote the reference for you, because it is kind of confusing language and I can see how you would miss it: A sun screening device or other material which does not permit a person to see or view the inside of the vehicle is prohibited, unless otherwise permitted by FMVSS No. 205, or a certificate of exemption has been issued…See Table X for specific requirements for vehicles subject to this subchapter.

There are plenty of decisions that contradict most if not all of what you’re saying in your post, but I’ll quote just one on the probable cause of a traffic stop (specifically related to tinted windows, no less) that’s recent, from the Federal Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (which includes PA): U.S. v. Leal, 235 Fed.Appx. 937 (PA 2007): Leal’s first argument that Trooper Volk did not have probable cause to stop his vehicle is frivolous. Volk testified credibly that he stopped Leal because the windows on Leal’s car were heavily tinted and appeared to be in violation of a provision of the Pennsylvania Vehicle Code that prohibits excessive window tint. See 75 Pa.C.S. § 4524(e)(1). A law enforcement officer’s good faith decision to stop a car is “reasonable where the police have probable cause to believe that a traffic violation has occurred.” Whren v. United States, 517 U.S. 806, 810, 116 S.Ct. 1769, 135 L.Ed.2d 89 (1996). See, e.g., Holeman v. City of New London, 425 F.3d 184, 190 (2d Cir.2005) (holding that tinted windows alone would justify a police officer’s stop if the window tint was so dark that an officer, acting reasonably, would have suspected there was a traffic violation). If you look into it, you will also find that Leal appealed to the Supreme Court, which denied cert for the case.

I like how the second piece of advice is “roll down your windows.” Thanks for the inside tip you ingenious mother fucker.


That is fucking classic.

Jesus Christ is shit intense in this thread…