Time for me to upgrade my fuel pump . What are the pros and cons of having an external fuel pump ?
Another question that I also have. Are in-tank walbro pump car specific ? Reason I am asking is because they keep asking me " for what car " when I called to order .
thanx for reading .
get one off andrew… (iquabob)
external ones are great if you are converting to a braided fuel line… my ae86 had that and worked great but its very expencive.
Hey man what’s up.
Well an external one you don’t HAVE to have stainless/braided lines but it’s a good idea. They do make a lot of noise though and unless you make sure it’s mounted well, the vibration can VERY anoying as well. My buddy had that problem with his external MSD on his probe.
I’d suggest an in-tank pump. It’s better then forcing fuel through your old pump using an extrnal one. Plus it’s a lot quiter and more secure.
Just my opinion though.
Take care.
Easy 8)
P.I selling 1 right now for 130 $ in stock . It’s an msd external .
let me contact andrew first and see his prices .
thanx guys
make SURE it’s for FI, PI has allot of carb/hot rod parts and it’s very easy for someone to not read the ’ good from 2-12 psi ’ on the spec sheet…