Fuel Strike

yep there will just be double the people buying gas the next day…

217.77 in the flatbed today. the best way is just to boycot one company. and if we could get people to just stay away from the biggest. weather its BP or citgo or exxon. start with them. even when they drop 10 cents stay away for atleast a month. that would destroy them. and would cause them to drop the price. and then everyone else would come down to it.

or it could back fire. cause them to fuckin get destroyed. then it leaves one less to compete. who knows. we will never win. thank gawd i drive 2.5 miles to work now.

i fill up like once a month

OMG we should all just buy TORNADO FUEL SAVERS!!!
Or a bike, and ride our lazy asses places…too bad that doesn’t work in Ohio where everything is 20 miles away at the min.

I just put $66 in fuel in my Z and loved every second of it.

Gas prices being too expensive is overrated. If it were really that bad every other car wouldn’t be a gigantic SUV.

$15 premium from empty…owned

My scooter has gotten as good as 65MPG and NEVER less than 50mpg w/ a top speed of 72MPH.

Costs about $11 to fill up

I’m sorry to hear your Grandmother can’t buy gas, but at the same time, we’re all on fixed incomes. The only difference is her generation has taken out way more than they paid into Social Security, we’re paying in a higher % than they ever did and we’ll never see a penny of Social Security money because the system is going broke due to mismanagement of funds that happened under their watch. Oh yeah, and our current housing, fuel, food, and living expenses are higher than ever before.

So while I don’t like to see anyone suffer, as far as I’m concerned the “Greatest Generation” can enjoy their impoverished old age. They stood by and watched as this country was pillaged and destroyed financially over the past 100 years. We are all reaping the consequences of the inaction and selfish behavior of the “Greatest Generation” throughout the 20th century.


$38 to fill my car.

I fill up (on average) every 2.5 days.

I’m looking into SVO/WVO.

Anyone have a diesel Rabbit for sale?

I’ve just been using the bike to go everywhere unless it’s major highway like 376/turnpike.


I drove almost 1200 miles last week with my Altima for work. I paid about $160 in gas and will get back about $600 in expenses.