Fukk HostRocket

yeah i already made payment to upgrade us to umlimited bandwidth a couple months ago… turns out we didnt need it because andrew had already paid it a few months prior…

so they refunded my payment onto his card…lol

teh reason we have had so many bandwidth overages is because host rocket is a total fag and keep resetting our account.

in closing… fukk hostrocket.

You don’t have unlimited bandwidth, since SON was down up until just now, it said you exceeded the bandwidth.

i know… they told me it was a mistake and that everytime it happens we have to reset it manually…

we had already paid for unlimited bandwidth prior to the previous several overages… but they keep resettng us for no reason.

its awesome

I would ask for some money back… they can’t offer this kind of shady hosting .

Whatever happened with Jammin hosting? I thought you guys already switched awhile ago?


If we were some company that could not afford any network downtime we would have lost Millions of dollars because of their mistakes. And that would be due cause for a rather hefty lawsuit against them.

Borat say ram ram rust SX240 up their anus.

jetstreaming for the win bitches

jetstreaming for the win bitches[/quote]

word…i downloaded off his site at like 2.3mb/s

crazy talk

I have dial-up.
