whoever does sons hosting sucks at life

see title

it was funny, i was talking to brianphung on irc… we were patiently waiting for midnight when we were hoping the site would come up

about 12:40 rolls around and I said fuck it. I called hostrocket who hosts son and spoke to someone in tech support

the conversation went something like this:

ME: “hi I ran out of bandwidth a few days ago and i figured my site would be back online at midnight tonight by it doesnt look like it came up.”

HR: “what is the domain name?”

ME: “son240sx.ca”

HR: “it is scheduled to run billing on that account in 3-4 hours from now, however I can manually force it right now if you’d like”

ME: “that would be excellent”

HR: “done, site should be up within a minute or so”

ME: “thanks!”

And that was that :slight_smile:

John I read that and immediately went


So how soon do we transfer to Jetstreamhosting?

They are homos, I already upgraded our bandwith once, and it was okay for the past few months. Now I gotta upgrade again.

John, I’m willing to get something going with JetSteam, you said you’re busy. Just hit me up on MSN when you’re ready.

nice, we can have SON set up on jetstream hosting :slight_smile: