Fun experiment: Consume alot of Pepto Bismol

I’ve never had ambien. How is it? I have sleeping problems that I generally use melatonin for.

it happens when you get railed by jim :rofl

Yeah, that bastard!

Ambien knocks me out cold. Great sleeping med. I’ve tried a few other things and that has worked the best.

For rec use, you gotta be careful, that stuff can get a bit crazy. I know some people actually hallucinate by fighting staying awake. I’ve experienced that slightly, and it gets nutty.

i took xanax for a while and that puts you to sleep until your body adapts to it. After that happens it’s not as much fun :rofl

word, you can have some fun with bars.

Yup, tried that for sleeping for a while as well, worked for a few weeks then just stopped

think of this most of our people are on some type of perscrption drug. pain meds sleeping meds allergies anxiety etc. all of these drugs change your body. most of the time in a bad way. chemicals cure? since when?

govt allowed herion to be perscribed to kids in past. so wasnt coke. look up what they used to belive about the two. one of the greatest is mood changer

if your feeling bad do this i bet youll feel good. this line is still used today by most doctors. they dont look for long term just short term.

im a stong believer of endorphins everyone has them some have more some have less. once you learn to release them yourself it becomes easy to cure alot of things by yourself. hard to explain only word i have is meditation

Are you on heroin right now?

Endorphins suck.

Ok Jesse Ventura, you can get off Shift now.

hahaha i wish i was wwf champ. i just care for future. some dont bother and they dont care what their neighbor does. but some things people do effect majority. why not effect it in a positive way? let the people know. help out someone youll get help in return simple. i know i have made a bunch of enemies but idc with pros comes cons. i have meet a bunch of good people on this fourm and its worth the neg rep. stop judging people like high school. we are all adults? someone with a idea is considerd stupid?