Funeral home offers drunk drivers a free burial

ROME, Ga. (AP) - Planning to drink and drive this New Year’s? A north Georgia funeral home has a deal for you. Between now and noon Thursday, drivers can visit McGuire, Jennings and Miller Funeral Home in Rome to sign a contract stating they plan to drink or take drugs and then drive on New Year’s Eve. If they die in a wreck that day, the funeral home will give them a free burial.

Services included in the package are a casket, grave, limousine and preparation of remains.

Funeral home officials said the program is designed to save lives by making partygoers think twice about drinking and driving.


Mac, want to go drinking? I’ll drive :slight_smile:

im in

Awesome, Can sucker mikey into going.

u drink ill sniff the beer n b drunk :slight_smile:

what the fuck?

a free funeral aint a bad deal

Not a bad deal, considering most funerals are between $6k and $10k now.

It would be a real deal if the people that one killed while driving drunk got free funerals, and the one who was driving drunk has to attend all of them. That makes more sense to me.

There have been stories i’ve read of judges sentencing drunk drivers involved in fatal accidents to things like helping to dig the graves of the people they’ve killed, attending the funeral, having to watch the autopsy, etc…