Friendly Reminder: Drive Safe This Holiday Season. *Graphic*

No one here knows this but just over a year a go I lost a girl to a drunk driving accident.

I saw this vid and hit home. It’s pretty powerful.

Please drive safe this holiday season.


We made this a must-view thread. Watch the vid. Listen to the message. --spd and the SON240SX admins

Quite the video man, thanks.

Also, very sorry to hear about your loss.

Agreed drinking and driving is a no no. Don’t be stupid people.

Thank you. It’s not something I talk about often.
But some people need reminding that this kinda shit hurts a lot of people.

If someone you know is about to get behind the wheel. When they shouldn’t be. Take a stand. Knock the fucker out if necessary. (Had to do just that on one occasion)

Time to Blaze and Drive…


I lost my girlfriend the same way Jan 7, 2009! Its stupid to drink and drive!!

Very stupid, I did it once and woke up with the worst feeling in my stomach ( not from drinking) from the guilt of what I did and what I could have done to myself or even worse to others and I will NEVER do it again, learned my lesson.

I did it a few times when I was younger. Always over dumb shit. Never cared. Never thought I’d see the other side of the after math.
Now I have. I couldn’t imagine putting some one through what I have seen. Much less to their families.

(Just to be clear. I was not involved in the accident I mentioned. She was in a truck with her “friends”)

god damn that was intense. touching at that matter. someone i know just lost their license from drinking and driving. 8.0 was the reading.

shits not cool man

I hope you mean .8!!

I can’t watch that shiz man. I think we all know some people that died that way. Not really a drinker myself. Getting home is too much of a pita to bother sometimes.

Since we on the subject can someone clarify something. The legal drinking limit is around one beerr after 30 minutes of digestion ATM right? So if you have one beer and pass a ride checkpoint in under 30 minutes (give or take) you will eitheir be over or near the limit. Now I was reading that officers were giving out overnight suspensions for being near the legal limit. So theoretically, you can’t even have a beer anymore unless you chill on it for hours? That’s a bit extreme.

Everyone handles alcohol differently. Most men could handle 1-3 beers without any trouble over the course of an hour. But that is now pretty much illegal, no? I think the problem is binge drinking and driving, not a few drinks spaced out over time with food. But now it seems like any drink regardless of occassion and situation is a legal clusterfuck.

I have had 2 of my cousins lose there licenses for drinking and driving. I would never make that mistake.

This is why. I put my car in storage. Winter time is time to drink beer and play hockey

You know you’re French Canadian when… Lol Whats the deal with Labatt Blue though?

Also you have a great excuse to avoid drinking and driving: French Canadian women. To this day the most beautiful women I have ever seen in my life, I have seen in Quebec. I only saw 5 larger women in one week, among other things. Interesting place.

P.S Learn to share. You have the most beautiful women, the most JDM cars, the best skate and snow parks. Pass some of it our way ;).

Good luck with that, they trying to become their own country or something of the sort remember!

Toronto has the best girls!!

Those are the quebec serpatists no body likes them. Im in the english region i cant stand most of the frenchmen and women down here

Good post Adam, Sorry about your loss man :frowning:

Cudos to the admin for making it a maditory view.

+1 to admin!.. most likely Mr. Nads…Gonads!!

Personally i think our drinking and driving laws dont come up to par . compared to wat the results could be.
Caught drinking and driving. license suspended for at least 3 Years.
they shouldnt have their licenses. i have 0 respect for ppl who do that. 0.