Friendly Reminder: Drive Safe This Holiday Season. *Graphic*

this time it was me

it’s something i take very seriously and i would hope this thread helps others to do the same

I know of a moron who has a ignition interlock and thinks its funny that he can trick it, and drive drunk. His interlock is due to come off in the next few weeks, I give him a month before he causes death/injury or gets caught. He already caused one accident a few years back but wasn’t caught.

People who drink and drive get too many chances, Driving is a privledge, not a right.

WORST thing I’ve ever heard someone say: I drive better drunk…

A good thread to make mandatory view. Happy and safe holiday seasons to all.

Thanks Mike!

I hope everyone on this site is responsible. And not one of tools represented in the video.

I take it real serious too! when I know friends are going out to drink i offer my night to them so i can drive them there and home safe! Losing Misty really rammed into my head that alot of drivers dont think about others, it drive me to become a police officer in the near future!

Thanks for putting it up for everyone to see and take notices. Mr Spd-Dmn

sorry about your loss man… i too have lost a couple people from drinkin and drivin.

this is a good video to remind us all to not drink and drive this holiday season. happy holidays to everyone and soners. drive safe people

ive almost bit the biscuit a few times when other people were driving drunk…so i understand completely ive had to grab the wheel on more than one occasion so everybody be safe through the holiday season and throughout the year

Drunk drivings not cool. too many ppl i kno do it…not worth the risk. carry a bus ticket! sorry for your loss.

If your friend is about to drink and drive, do him a favour and beat the shit out of him. Make it a common rule for all your friends…who ever try’s to pull a fast one in the parking lot walks home with a broken nose. If your a panzee and cant handle your friend pop a tire.

i really agree with the ‘beat the fuck out of whoever is driving drunk’ idea, simply because most of the times its the only thing you can really do (and are probably the best at, at that moment…)

and just like most people have said, i’ve also lost a friend of my familys over drinking and driving, and it hits you pretty hard.

keep the drinks+car seperate guys

truly sorry for your losses, may they rest in peace,
i speak so against drinking and driving, and now just got an extra push to keep believe that if you drink dont fuken drive. chances are you will survive but yet you will take someone elses life, if you think that makes you a man, come on down and let see what you can do against 3 german shephards in your car.

the only thing i can say to you that have lost someone so unfortunate that may help you cope a little, atleast i hope it does. is that somewhere you have an extra angel looking over you.

thank you s13counterpart for being who you are, and stepping up and sharing your courage.

from all of us at KrownLakeshore, please dont DRINK AND DRIVE.

its a shame some people ruin it for others,

its is possible to drink without becoming intoxicated, unless you ask MADD, then your intoxicated for considering drinking

why can’t I rent cops to have bald tire checks…? its a safety issue…

In addition I think the extremely low driving standard and international license holders that come to canada are a larger problem…

In my area, MADD rides usually stop 10000 - 20000 and lays 0-5 charges… a fraction of a percent

Man alive, I watched that before I went to school…now ima have come to your house,…and kick you in the nuts :frowning: cause im sad now,… damn you lol

I think people should post this on whatever other forums they belong to… It may get repetitive. But it gets the point across.

I wasn’t expecting this thread to get the responses that it did.

Side note*
Just heard Drive - Incubus on the Edge…

^I had 2 Metro toronto police officers run me off the road on (june?) friday the 13th (2004?) at about 1:0Xam, at 13th street in Wasaga, while listening to that song.

the 2 off-duties hit a fence for 15’, drove THROUGH a 4" diameter tree, off a cinder block poarch, and into a 20" diameter tree, resting the car against it in an upright position with the engine on fire.

being the only person around, and no cell phone, I laid on the horn for 30 seconds until some came out to curse at me(I was parked in his front yard - since I was run off the road at 30km/h vs 120km/h), then I demand he call fire/police/ambulance, he was fien with that.

then I ran over to the car, with all the smoke the draped airbags looked like people in the car 10’ in the air, but then a guy stands up from under a nearby bush and and says;

“oh my god, wtf”

I say; “how many people were in the car?”

he says “omg wtf, omg wtf” then falls over

^he was wearing an I am Candian t-shirt white with the red leaf that looks distinctly like a blood pattern given the circumstances…

tires are exploding, the tree is now on fire, the rear seats are on the ground next to the GTP - widetrack 99’?,

at trial, I showed up being the only witness, waited from 8am-1pm, then a prosecutour asked the guy in the suit (me), and informs me they plead out…

one guy was alright - no seatbelts
other guy sorta alright - facial recon surgury - no seatbelts… I never saw this guy


I am getting a long tow from wasaga to Kitchener, and its the same tow truck driver from that day, he found the wallet WITH THE METRO badge, he turned it in.

the tow truck driver filled me in a bit, the first guy was full constable, the other was in Aylmer college with metro…

Long story but It made me think about how drunk driving is a poor choice…ALL TRUE
And InCuBuS - Drive, great track

sorry to hear about your loss S13COUNTERPART, its a shame a lot of people are still stupid enough to do such things, people never think of the reprocussions and when shit hits the fan, their covered in it.

sorry for you loss S13counterpart, will post on JDMr as well

main point here dont drink and drive bitches

i think this is a greta thing to post up and on that note we NEED to remember DO NOT DRIVE TIERED!!! most people forget this i`ve almost fell asleep once while driving will never do again