Funnies Thread

Poor Russian guy is walking down the street and he finds an old middle-eastern lamp lying in front of him. He picks it up and figures “what the hell, it works in the movies” and starts rubbing it.

sure enough a Genie pops out. The genie says “I will grant you one wish”. the guy is pissed that he only gets one but finally decides what hes gonna wish for. He says “I wish that my urine was the finest vodka in the land” The genie says “wish granted” and dissapears

The guy goes home and pisses in a cup…he hesitantly takes a sip…“HOLY SHIT THATS GOOD VODKA!” he pisses in a second cup and calls his wife down…they both drink and have the best night of their lives.

This goes on for 3 days…the couple are having such a wonderful time drinking the great vodka!

then one day the husband comes home, pisses in a cup, and starts drinking. His wife is like “wtf, where my cup asshole?” the russian guy says “your drinking from the bottle tonight baby”

hmmm its really kinda gross if you think about it.
