funny drunk stories

First newyears and drinking experience with girlfriend… as a side note i am allergic to the yeast formed from the hoppes and barley in beer.
the 2004-2005 new years a group of friends being girlfriend and I along with another couple go to the other couples boyfriends house. we get to the gentleman house around 9:45 and we preceed to start out drinking but pace ourselfs so we can see the ball dropping… well i began to drink yueginling but figure whats one or two beers gonna do after i wash it down with some good food and some hard liquor… well those one or 2 beers turned into 10 beers, then followed by a shot of 151 then washed down with 10 zima XXX all before 11:45 well from what i remember i fell and broke my thumb trying to sit on what i thought was the washer only to be trying to sit on a cardboard box that i just made the corner of that ended up flipping me sideways breaking my thumb when i tried to catch myself. Next thing I remember was waking up on the guys bathroom floor covered in sweat shaking like being in convulsions with green puke in the toilet. But they got pics of me cuddling with a fire extingisher, the guys dog, and a plunger. Talk about a night, but when everything was said and done, my girlfriend was still there for me and made sure i didn;t die. wow do i love my girlfriend…

when i was 15, i had a fake id. so i got a bunch of stories

this one is from when i was 18, freshamn yr of college summer break. i got off work at 3:30, went home and showered/changed. started drinking 40’s of old e. go to market square, and proceed to drink more. leaving market square, i eneded up on the hood of some girls car,. w/ my pants to my shoelaces rubbing my ass on her windshield.

after leaving there, we go to rosebud. i proceeded to totally blow my paycheck on long island iced teas. i pissed a few girls off by telling them if their pussy was that good, eat it themselves after they rejected my drunken dancing.

sometime around midnight, i faded to black. Last thing i remember is pulling my cock out at teh bar and pissing on the floor. the bar tender watched me… my friends were laughing their asses off. one of them pushed me over, so im laying on my back pissing still. the puddle was following the slope trickling out the door, to where the pgh cop usualy stands and watches. so my friends scooped me up and took me out to the car b4 i got arrested.

i woke up the next day around 1 pm in the back seat of the car, which had all the windows up. talk aout hot as hell.

then there ios the entire summer before i went to college, i was still 17. we use to go to boomers for wing night, then bar hop greensburg. Our daily ritual was ride bmx, drink 40’s, and play excitebike or go to the bar. I didnt work then, as that summer was a roach out summer. the day b4 i was to leave for college, we go out and get toally blowed out. being we lived on pittsburgh street by the sunocco and bp, it was a 1 way street that came down from the hospital.

I got the ideal to street luge. So i hike all the way up to the hospital, lay down on the sk8 board, and come truckign down the hill blowing every red light. A gburg cop happens to be at teh one light, and sees me. I didnt ciome to a stop until the light before mainstreet, which is 1 block away. the cop scooped me up, but diodnt arrest me thankfully.

i got alot more stories. most are pre 2000 though, as i really dont drink anymore, and didnt drink for a 4 yr span.

which one do you want to hear?

4th of July in LA?
Rape Stations at RMU?

Modified Madness story?


I guess I will tell my 21st b-day party story

It’s february 21st and a bunch of people meet up at the dew drop inn located in the hieghts. I start drinking a few rum and cokes. I tell everybody “thanks for coming out.” It was my b-day and i was glad they made it.

so 3 rum and cokes, 5 jager bombs, a pitcher of kamakazes, 3 three wise mans, about 10 beers and a 4 horse man later( 2 hr time period). I’m a stummbling bummbling idiot. I tell a Jim thanks for coming out like 10 times. I look at him and say it again. I looko at Adam and say it to him, he looks at me and says to me , I’m glad you came out. Well I wasn’t prepared for that response so I get a blank look on my face and smile real big, like a mentally handicapped person just saw a big red ball roll in front of them, and say yeah in my drunken stuper.

So I see this girl at the bar and I go tlak to her got her number forgot her name or even what she looked like , but i do know earlier went i saw her she looked good.

AT this point i proceed to hit on another woman who just happens to be engaged and her husband sitting right next to her. Some how i got out of a ass beating like no other. I make my way to the bathroom and try having a puking contest in the urinal with this guy ini there.

When I make it home I fall straight on my back didn’t try catching myself puke everywhere and then get pushed down my steps. I wake up 7 in the morning with a bucket over my head and i don’t know whats going on.

So I pass back out then my dad tell me that if I ever come home that drunk again I have 24 hrs to find a new place to live!

GREAT NIGHT thanks everybody for giving me alcohol poising i loved it lol

you dummy that was me, i had to carry you in there cuz you tried go every which way but the way to the bathroom…tables or no tables in the way, you was goin thru them.

i see im not the only one who pukes my guts out. although its my birthday today and its 1145 and im home only with a slight buzz. today sucked ass more than any other.

happy birthday

thanks :slight_smile:


that HAS to be the best one.

just like whitey, i got so many i dont know where to start

gee… were to start…

glad i woke up to a point in life cause i should of been a dead man a long time ago…

NO i mean there was another guy in there. steph told me her friend that was there that night tried haveing the contest with me. But either way fun night and very bad next day.

Porch Party. I was probably 19 at the time, this was in Tennesse.
Well, the night started out fine, we had just got back from working out(Me and my buddy Jay). We recieved a phone call, requesting our services at a party about 20 miles from my house, so we packed out gear(Guitars and bongos) and headed to the party. When we arrived, the party was really going pretty good, there was a large bonfire about 30 feet from the house, moonshine all around in mason jars, and a hot bitch to guy ratio of like 3:1, these people knew how to throw a party.

So the guy who was throwing the party(We’ll call him Giovanni), yelled that we would be playing some music on the porch, and that everyone should grab a blanket, chill, drink and listen. We started playin and it was great fun, the crowd was lovin it, there were probably 200 people there. I think we played 12-14 songs, all the while we were soaking ourselves in compliments and moonshine. This was fun, I was having fun. We finish up our “set” and Giovanni invites us into the house to share a bottle of Burbon with him, and about 6 lovely ladies. (Side note; Burbon makes me retarded. It’s the one alcohol that I have no real tolerance for, and having drank moonshine prior I am already a little drunk, but Burbon makes me insane, not so much violent, just very stupid.) So I thought to myself, as I was playing and singin for this small crowd “Hmm, Burbon, this may end badly”. About 30 minutes later, I am plastered to the point where I just can’t sing or play anymore. So we go outside to the bon fire, at this point Giovanni, Jay and I are the most popular guys in the world, bitches are hanging all over me, I’m pullin more tail than bugs bunny. One girl, Regina asks me to come take a walk with her. She’s a red head, with a nice body, a good face and great tits. I am intrigued, as we’re walking threw the woods, I blurt out “Me want sex.” Inhebriation is a hell of a thing. But she ablidges, and I screwed her beside some old moonshine distillery. Wahoo, I’m gettin pussy! Me happy. As we are getting our cloths back on, two very large, very mad hicks come walking over with shotguns and tell me if I don’t get the fuck out of here, forget everything I saw, that they will kill me. Okay, time to go back to the bon fire. (Bad idea.)

We’re chilling around the bon fire with giovanni, regina, jay and someone says that he brought some fireworks. Oh this is going to get interesting, see I have an affinity for explosions. The guy comes back with a 20 gallon bucket of illegal fireworks, we’re not talkin any of those sissy things, we’re talkin full on explosives, artillery shells, roman candles, and the like. Of course, I being a natural leader, yank the bucket out of his hands threaten to kick his ass and tell him to go sleep in the woods. Fuck him, it’s my time to shine. I setup the artilery shell thing, drop one in, light it on fire. Passut, BOOM. Hahahahaha FUCK YES EXPLOSIONS…wait, why is that piece of hot ember going towards the bucket. Oh shit, no. “RUN RUN RUN” the ember flys three feet from the bucket, falling on the ground. WAHOO we’re safe. Regina says “We should probably chill, we might hurt someone or get the cops called.” WTF, fuck this whore. “Shutup skank.” I blurt loudly, she’s offended, oh well fuck her she sucks.

Five minutes pass, I’m having a great time. Explosions, whores, alcohol, wahoo. I shoot another artillery shell up in the air, an ember falls agian. I’m thinking nah thats not gonna happen. It gets closer, and falls into the bucket. Everything is quiet, except for the yells of “RUN” and the pounding of feet, I fall onto my ass, turn around and see a giant fireball going straight towards my head. I duck in time, but it lands into the bucket that is holding the moonshine. Um, fuck? At this point, I know it’s over, I know I’m busted, and I know we’re fucked. The barrel goes up, it catchs a tree on fire, which in turn catchs another tree on fire(It was fall). 30-40 seconds later, a good part of the woods is on fire. Oh jesus christ I’m gonig to die in a fire, fuck this. Apparently we had made enough racket that cops were already in the area, and I saw the blue lights of gods. I ran towards them, trying to hide from Giovanni, because that dude is gonna kill me. His house is partly on fire, the woods are on fire. The scream of sirens are too much, and I fall asleep in the back of a police car. I ended up in the drunk tank with some burns on my arms, half my hair was gone. A pissed off Giovanni, Regina’s boyfriend in the same tank as me, all wanting to kick my ass. I was released about 18 hours later, and was told that there were no charges pressed. I did end up getting my ass kicked by Giovanni, but I didn’t put up a fight, he deserved to beat me for pretty much almost burning his house down.

Moral of the story? Explosives and drunks don’t mix.

-Not my story found it somewhere else but I thought it was halarious-


for a lot more funny stories check this site out.

got in a fight with some dude over this girl and the motherfucker literally head butted me like he was in the wwf or some shit, hurt like none other and had a knot for a couple days.

I was drunk and had tried talking to this sober chick like i wasnt drunk and ended up asking her if her attic was in her basement, ended that conversation quick. also back when i was about 16 or 17 i was high as hell in a mcdonalds and told them i want a big mac and asked how many big macs come in 1

One time i was drunk as hell banging some other drunk chick and she started to suck my dick with a condom on and it was just terrible but i was so killed i couldnt even move or tell her to take it off and i ended up falling asleep and woke up the next morning with the condom still on

yeah and im only 19 so i still got awhile to get to the bar and have some stories about that

I was at pitt johnstwon about 3 weekends ago and I was a soroity date party. I decided to have a little preparty with myself, bab idea. Got really wasted went to the party did shots of 151, next thing I know I was banging a soroity sister. half way through the job I felt the 151 kicking in to full effect. I decided oh well this counts as another girl so I passed out woke up later and to my surprise she was still laying next to me. I got up and walked around campus trying to find my friends dorm room. I made it , but I dont know how?