Funny Honda-Tech thread...

My buddy found this while he was on honda-tech earlier today. Pretty funny that they’d be discussing this topic on a Honda website.

What’s ironic is the post by some guy named Quang-sta… :roll:

least they have nice things to say lol not like the other boards blah blah

I almost signed up for a Honda board… but just to talk some sense into those solly wrong wheel driving idiots. Than again that almost sounded like me when i first was lookin for a 240. $1100 for a full S15 ffront clip? I wish.

yeah its come to my attention ( after listening to my classmates who usually talk bs ) that the 240 and the silvia coversion is becomming mainstream knowledge im not saure if thats good or bad :lol:

Well I dunno about you but I mostly see the hardcore enthusiasts that drive their cars get the S13 Silvia conversion. Most of the show n no go group get the S15 front end… correct me if I am wrong but thats how I have seen things happening lately.