Funny picture I found

This was a sig of a member on one of the Maxima forums.


EDIT: WTF…remove ‘n i g n o g’ or ‘n i g’ ‘n o g’ from the filteR!


post fails.


Post doesn’t fail.

Word filter fails.


ahahah it’s actually kind of a funny pic!

Does it work now?

Yes but it’s an old gif and incredibly racist.

Still a threadfail.

Are you black?

I think the word filters of “n i g g e r”, “n i g g a”, “n i g n o g”, “n i g” etc. are stupid. If we want to use them, we should be able to. That’s the ONLY thing filtered on the forum, I don’t get it.

Why do you ask?

No reason, I don’t care whether your black, yellow, brown, white, or blue really, just curious as to why you described that .gif as “incredibly racist” when there’s a ton more that are worse than that :lmao

now it is a thread win. i think the gif is funny. OMG I must be a racist!!!


el oh el at you guys. This gif is as old as the internet, and yeah it’s pretty racist. Not that racial stereotypes can’t be funny, but this is just lame.

THIS is funny:

DIVERSITY! One photoshop at a time.

I’ll agree that the .gif is old/lame lol

and the Wisconsin app - :rofl

^ :lol


I thought it was funny.

And just so you know, I am a HUGE Alonzo Mourning fan/Miami Heat fan. I just thought his facial expression was funny. That is all. Relax.

I even went to the Garden last year, opening night, to witness my Heat for the first time in person. I paid f’in $100 for the nose bleeds.

Its a true sterotype though. Ever notice how theres always a KFC/Popeyes in the ghetto and its always busy?

when have you ever been to the ghetto, PJB? that is something i would like to see

Another fail by the forum virgin