Can we say ****** here?

just wondering

well I guess not, fucking *******

It would seem that we already had this discussion and it was determined that we could not use that term that refers to African-Americans in a derogatory manner.

Can’t change the filter from section to section, ******.

Now whatever might that picture have to do with African-Americans and what we are and are not allowed to call them on this fine website? The person in that picture is clearly caucasion.

Heard he is hung like a ****** though

Again, more talk about and love for male genitalia. Does nobody on this website like females?

Jenzpony likes the opposite sex ! She is in a relationship with our ***** jellies … That pic is of him and she said he is hung like a ****** !!!

Ok, but that is a female liking a male and it seems like several of the males here also like males, atleast judging by several posts that have passed before my eyes.

Do you like guys?

No, I do not. I am into females with breasts and vaginas, not males with penises.

Might not be pjb… the pjb I know doesnt like women


oh paul… you crazy *****

Thanks captain obvious.

How do you know though?

Don’t get Lippy with me !!! There is some pix of u floating around that I’m sure u won’t want on here lol

Why is the first picture that came to my mind backne girl?

Oh my fuck:rofl:rofl