Funny Story

I am sorry that this affected a family at their time of loss, but it is funny as hell. :bowrofl:

My uncles lincoln was stolen from freyvogel’s fruneral home right before my grandma’s funeral back in like 84. at the time he was still playing in the minors and he lost about a 1000 dollars in baseball equipment. it was pretty rough on the family cause it was just one more thing. Again PPD was useless. They are like barry fife/rosco/enis/ when it comes to stolen vehicals

Barney fife :burnout:

thanks for waking me up this morning :madfawk: i was having a nice dream where g-bodys didn’t rust and t-tops didn;t leak.

U had enough beauty sleep princess!!!

if I was a cop, I wouldnt care if someone stole a G-body either. I’d take the report, listen intently to the victim and promise I would try my hardest to find it. But the whole time I would be chuckling inside.

well when ur title is Auto Squad Detective you should be a little more serious about your job. Its a shame i did better detective work than the police.

im sure you werent the only person in Pittsburgh that had their car stolen at that particular time. If they had unlimited manpower Im sure they would be able to be a lot more effective.

its sad but true what darkstar said. they only really care about high end rides

Mourners’ limo stolen during funeral
Thursday, February 24, 2005

Associated Press

ERIE, Pa. – Police in Erie were searching for a car thief who slipped into a limousine and drove away while mourners were inside a church during a funeral.

The limousine was idling outside of the St. Mary Catholic Church yesterday when someone stole it, police said.

The vehicle was found wrecked not far from the church.

Funeral directors were able to secure a sedan to take the family to the burial.

It was the first time anyone has heard of a limousine being stolen during a funeral, directors in the region said.

there you go

thanks… :hsugh:

Its not their job to do that thou. Its like saying we’ll solve who shot Celebrity X but we don’t really care about homeless guy that got shot. Its east to feel that way until it happend to you. I’m sure if someone stole one of your bikes you’d be mad if it wasn’t a priorty of a department who only concentrates on that. They used my car as worm to catch the big fish, i don’t give a fuck if they catch the top drug lord in the us because of my car, i just wanted the fucker back and i was lied to. the auto sqaud is too reactive, they should set up stings to catch these people, they know who they are cause they keep catching them and slapping them on the wrist. I can garentee you stick a clean g-body at monroeville mall and its gone. I’m never studied criminal law and i can figure out how to catch these bastards. Its the same with rings the steal other kinds of cars.

back to my original post in the thread, my uncle had his car stolen out of the procession line at my grams funeral.

if bike got stolen means i get a new one. full coverage owns. i had a gbody tried to be stolen but it never did just broken down. the truth is they dont care about the little ppl. look the news is more concern with jacko then say the homeless guy that just died under the fort pitt bridge area

in a perfect world that would be just fine, but living in this shithole known as Pittsburgh where the city is bankrupt, why the fuck would they waste manpower on a busted up g-body. Like Quik said, a car is just a material possession and can be replaced quite easily with a phone call to insurance.

well its a little different because ur bike is brand new but that was my car that i had put time into and you can’t replace sentlemental value. I was compensated by my insurance but i couldn’t exactly replace something like that. All i wanted was my fuckin car back and they had it but didn’t do a thing. I’m actually tryin to find out if its still in a boneyard or crushed. PPD is fucked up.

see thats where you are dead wrong. Its not about being a g-body (fuck you for dissing) its the principle. THEY HAVE A DIVISION DEVOTED TO STOLEN CARS!!! they aren’t wasting already useless beat cops on this stuff. For people that are car enthutiasts like this board its kinda hypocritcal to say its just a possesion, to most its a hobby and to others its a business.

it’s a fucking car, it can be replaced. I would be mad for about 20 minutes if my car was stolen, then i would call insurance and go get another one. If they stole my truck, i would laugh becasuse they just inherited a huge POS and would probably bring it back after 1 hour.

I had to throw the g-body diss in there somewhere :love:

cars can be replaced. they are nothing but toys. anyone that takes them for more that is :nuts:

you don’t get it. I saved up for that car, i took my girl’s virginity in that car, i had a lot of fun times in that car, i put a lot of work into that car, time…Insurance can’t pay me for that. I replaced it with my SS, a nicer car all around but i wasn’t happy, it was my only option at that point. If i find it i don;t care if there are rats living in the trunk, i’m buying it.

thats great you got memories in that car but its only memories its like keeping a relationship based on memories. in the end its over and all you got is the memories. sometimes its best to be seperated but in this case all you can do is try to find it. in the end its a car, like i would like to have my turbo coupe back but its long gone n ow