FWD Section Expansion?

Alright now that I have some how gotten your attention, I was wondering if we should ask the Board of Directors to expand the FWD section into more specific sections. Ie: Suspension Tech, Engine Tech, Body/Style Tech and a General Chat area. Of course the only reason I suggest this is because we’ve managed to become one of the more active sections of the board and have a steady population to support it. However this just a feeler thread on your thoughts on this, and again, we would need the Board of Directors ok for this as well.

So Lets hear what you have to say:

I think we should split into FWD General and FWD Tech… don’t get into too many forums cuz it’ll just get confusing.

yah but not so many different sub forums, but a few to break it up would be sweet. it would make it easier to search & less cluster fucked. tech and general… meh. maby more specific then that. ill think about some forum names too. good idea tho… i support it.

no :E

X2 :thumb


We DO have a lot of subforums so I dont know about this. But we’ll see if there is enough interest. :slight_smile:

We could just do a name change, so that this is fwd gen chat as well.

Well this what just a feeler from our members… It seems that they’re happy with the current status so we’ll keep it the same for the next while and look at this in the future.