FWIW...AEM Users

I said something, cause I was misinformed, about a member on here that I now see was a mistake cause the poor guy had nothing to do with anything. Hell it was my fault but there is no taking it back. But you rotten excuse for a human ran and told him with no delay and you calling me a snitch? You snitched on me like a little girl and im the snitch? You worthless piece of shit I trusted you, let you in my house, did any favor you asked, and you stab me in the back and talk shit about me any chance you got. Thank you it was fun.

I rather have my “400 hp” stock piece of shit that your “12,000,000 dollar rare 180 with front end damage” any day. Dont forget for every story you have of me talking shit about anyone I have two of you talking shit about everyone.

Now come pick up or send someone for your rim. And if you have anything to say text or call me. You have my number.

Thank you come again

take it to pm’s guys^, have read a few threads about the bad reliability of the AEM. Go a different way for the price anyways cause aem isnt cheap

do you have the pictures they sent you??

guys didn’t happen to me i don’t buy AEM whatsoever…it happened to somebody with a Mustang with a 331 stoker and a T70

Now quit your bitching on this forum and get a fucking life. Your like a sad little kid that needs attention and you have way to much time on your hands Go hit another bong and maybe your attitude will change, it always did. I asked you if you have anything to say PM or call me but no you think anyone here cares about 2 people beefing with each other. Trust me in a month everyone will forget but me and you. Now STFU. Im done with you.

keep the bullshit out of here please…


I have had an AEM EMS on my coupe for 2-3 years and it’s been incredible. I bought brand new from a major distributor and had it installed and tuned by SG Motorsport and it’s the only thing that cured all the issues i had before.

I would buy again.

But that said, i havent had to deal with customer support.

Sorry about that, I just take i as an insult when a doped up habitual shit talker/Disturber is sitting down behind his computer and spreading lies about me and other products he can never afford.

On to AEM. Their customer support seemed good. They send me a new unit for faulty wiring so Im one happy customer. The wait was 3 weeks.

no its more like your a one lucky dude to get it replaced for free after you screwed up on wiring. no but no if.

They made me pay for the shipping to them and he S&H back to myself. I didnt screw up the wiring, it just magically stopped working. But all in all it was an good experience. Apparently it was something wrong with the gauge portion of the unit, maybe some wires loose inside of it.

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA>>> you made my day FYI I don't LIE, everyone who knows me, knows that i have nothing to lie about..... I say everything to a person's face no matter if they like or not.. something you cant seem to do, so weak sauce response lol Stop being pathetic. Your Weak jello piece of shit you, I'm done with you, you're more worthless then I originally expected, I'm done wasting my time in this thread.. No one respects you anyways, you opinion is worthless...


Sorry Bing it’s done.