(FYI) Ticketed for being in Zoar Valley (wtf?)

Public Service Announcment: The water fall @ Zoar Valley is now private property - to include 150 yds downstream. Trespassing violation = fine upto $250 per person.

Took the family and a few friends out to Zoar yesterday, we parked in the lot @ S.Quaker (near to Rt. 39). From here its ~1.5 hour walk upstream to the waterfall.
This is nothing new, we’ve walked this route through the stream quite a few times over the last few years, played in the falls, and made the ~40’ “cliff” dive off the falls. We’re responsible ‘hikers’, we take out what we take in - which isn’t very much.

…and then a DEC Agent shows up at the top of the falls. He proceeds to chastise one friend for diving, and then tells everyone to meet him back in the parking lot.
We walk back to find three sheriffs’ and two DEC vehicles. We are each issued trespassing violations (except our 16 yr old sister) worth upto $250 each.

Apparently 3-4 years ago someone bought the waterfall, creek upto 150 yds downstream, and the surrounding land. WTF.
Furthermore, apparently there are many posted notives / signs stating private property - proceed no further. We honestly saw none. Heres the kicker, the DEC agent admitted to us that the signs have prolly been torn down by kids, but even if the signs are not there We are still responsible to be aware of them.

Now, trespassing is trespassing, I can respect that. I took our tickets and BS’d with the agent for a few minutes. My only gripe to him, and in general: There is a 4’ x 6’ kiosk / board in the parking lot. It bears a map of the creek, “no alcohol” warnings, and an example of the yellow “private land - proceed no further” sign. NOWHERE does it state the public land boundary line on the map - nor does it bear any statement about the waterfall be specifically off limits, even though all of the agents admitted that waterfall is the largest draw.

Cliffs: Don’t play in the waterfall in Zoar Valley. Also, “no trespassing” signs do not actually have to be posted for you to be trespassing - per the land conservation act.

that sucks. people were getting hurt there, though.

They probably got sick of carrying people out.

Although I have no fucking idea what you’re jumping off of that’s 40 feet up. You can jump into the small pools downstream of the waterfall from the cliff, but that’s a scary jump, and your aim has to be good. Off the waterfall it’s under 20 feet. There was a tree you could climb and jump off that added another 10-15 feet, but it was sketchy as fuck.

Thats gay as hell. I was gonna go there this summer. I havent been there in awhile.

Lame!!! I was planning on heading there sometime this summer, never been and I had heard it’s a great area to hike around in.

To clarify: this is not the small waterfall where the two streams converge… this is the main waterfall upstream. The falls itself are only ~15’ high & maybe ~60’ across in a semi-circle.

I dunno how high the dive was, i haven’t dived it since i was a kid. There is a rock ajutment (?) next to the falls that is ~8-10’ higher then the falls. The pool there is deep enough to not touch bottom from that jump.It looked ~30’ from where they were jumping, and yes, they did jump out of a couple of trees.


that sucks. people were getting hurt there, though.

They probably got sick of carrying people out.


That’d make sense, and I’m fine with the whole thing… except for the lack of markings on the map.

One sheriff made it sound like a setup akin to a speed trap.

His words: “Yea, we put up those signs every year before it gets warm even, but within a week they are all torn down. Its shit for y’all, but thats not the problem.”


7 people x $250 fine = waste of 5 hours.

hmmm, maybe i’ve never been to that waterfall…

Wait, so its NOT the falls where you can jump out of the tree and is in a semi circle that everyone goes to???


Wait, so its NOT the falls where you can jump out of the tree and is in a semi circle that everyone goes to???



This is an old picture off of images.google. -Off to the right of this picture is where everyone jumps in.

or, as of yesterday (ms paint):

I went there last weekend and a few people walking back from the falls would say that there were cops at the falls writing tickets. we went there anyways and I didn’t see anything. there is a huge tree that is lodged from the top of the falls to the pool below, so I didn’t jump at all. I spent about 1.5 hours at the falls and didn’t see anything.

that sucks man.

yeah. that’s 20 feet at MOST.

you going to fight the ticket based onwhat you said in the post? i think you have a good shot


yeah. that’s 20 feet at MOST.


lol. the point they were jumping from is about 3-5’ to the right of the picture edge, as you can see at the edge of the picture, there is a bit of a shelf that is higher then the water break point. From there, its another ~2’ up. Eat it :stuck_out_tongue:


you going to fight the ticket based onwhat you said in the post? i think you have a good shot


Eh… undecided yet. Fines start @ $50, and cap @ $250. Might just write up a short explanation on one ticket, plea guilty and see what happens. Then proceed accordingly with the rest. :gotme:

That sucks, and it seems like a BS ticket to me. If you are on a road (that isnt in a city or town with a ‘city speed limit’) and there are no speed limit signs, you can legally go 55. I cant see how this would be much different.

From NYS Penal Law S 140.00:

A person who enters or remains upon unimproved and apparently unused land, which is neither fenced nor otherwise enclosed in a manner designed to exclude intruders, does so with license and privilege unless notice against trespass is personally communicated to him by the owner of such land or other authorized person, or unless such notice is given by posting in a conspicuous manner.

However, I can understand why this would be getting locked down. Even the walk up the creek to the falls is fairly dangerous, and jumping off that cliff thing on the side of the falls is super dangerous, especially if kids have been drinking (almost a given).

Rescue down there cant be easy.

Hmm…that aint got nothing on this huge rock cliff in lake george…atleast 40’ up.
Jump right into the lake. If anyone here has been to lake george and on a boat up there you know what I’m talkin about…

P.S. Shitty luck dude, i hope you get out of it!

Even though this isnt that high, the place you jump off is sketchy dirt, and the area thats safe to land in is pretty small.

the pool that’s just downstream of the falls is WAYYYYY sketchier.

I was terrified. You are maybe 30 feet up and your target is less that 6ft in diameter


From NYS Penal Law S 140.00


nice, that was my impression as well. thanks.

I don’t doubt that we were trespassing, i just wish it was marked. At least on the friggin map.

The hike up to the falls wasnt too bad as long as you’re not silly. We crossed where it was safest in the area and the water was no deeper then my waist / ~3’. But, yea, the diving was fucking stupid - brother & his buddy were the only ones to do it.

[simsons gudge] boys will be boys [/gudge]


[simsons gudge] boys will be boys [/gudge]


simpson’s judge?