(FYI) Ticketed for being in Zoar Valley (wtf?)


If you are on a road (that isnt in a city or town with a ‘city speed limit’) and there are no speed limit signs, you can legally go 55.


I just got a 22 over ticket on a street that had no posted speed limit. I even brought a video to court showing that. I have to pay my fine as soon as I attend school…yea…

[quote=“BaD AZz Z/28,post:21,topic:30336"”]

I just got a 22 over ticket on a street that had no posted speed limit. I even brought a video to court showing that. I have to pay my fine as soon as I attend school…yea…


were you driving 77? or 55?

i’m guessing 57.

it was probably 35, he thought it was 55 (~57)

he was doing 52. The town claims its a 30

I was there last weekend. Easiest way to get there is in Gowanda from Point Peter Road. When we got in the parking lot there was a state trooper suv. We thought nothing of it, grabbed our book bags full of beer and went on our way. As we were walking and drinking our beer, alot of people walking back were saying that the DEC or troopers were up there giving tickets. We were with a couple people that have never been there so we thought we would just go as far as we could. We got there and there was no DEC or troopers giving out tickets. A few kids were there jumping off the falls. I normally jump but I wasnt about to now. There was a giant tree right in the middle of the falls. The spot that you normally land. So know you either have to jump stright down before the tree or try and jump over it. I dont trust myself enough for that. That place was so much better a few years ago like in that picture when that giant boulder was still there. Now that tree is in its spot it sucks.
and we saw jam there too


he was doing 52. The town claims its a 30


:word: I was doing 52 going to our shop. It had no posted speed limit from either direction (they later put one up coming from the opposite direction only). Its mostly industrial, and ends at river road, which is also a 45mph 2 lane road that turns to 55 nearby.

I explained to him that there was no posted limit and he told me that there was. Then he told me it was a 35mph road and came back with a ticket for 52 in a 30. I went to court and said there was no speed limit on the street, to which I got “2 parking tickets and school”

I grew up only a few miles from Zoar Valley… every year somebody gets killed there. Almost everytime it was a freek accident.

I remember some hikers were walking through the gorge along side the water when a tree trunk from a dead tree feel about 150’ from above, missed the hikers. When the trunk hit, a big piece splintered off and hit the hiker in the head…he was killed.

we also called it “The 40’s”… because everybody would go there to drink.

A friend of my familys died there last year I believe. She was only about 21 :frowning: I still think the tickets are rediculous though. You should fight that.

People have died falling into the ravine at the Eternal Flame near Chestnut Ridge too, a similarly dangerous place except with no waterfalls to jump.

I went there last weekend and a few people walking back from the falls would say that there were cops at the falls writing tickets. we went there anyways and I didn’t see anything. there is a huge tree that is lodged from the top of the falls to the pool below, so I didn’t jump at all. I spent about 1.5 hours at the falls and didn’t see anything.

that sucks man.

is a Sign posted saying Private Propety or No Tresspassing at all? Cause I always thought rule of thumb is, No sign, No ticket!

Wonder if my friend can help ya out at all if ya need it, He’s DEC Also.

I’m 5’9" and hunched over in this pic. There is no way it is a 40’ drop.

So lame that it is trespassing now. It is one of the most beautiful places in WNY.

okay, 20-25… sorry. didnt think it was a big deal. lol


ehhh just jump off of the pier in crystal beach… its fun and deep water

[quote=“double j,post:32,topic:30336"”]

I’m 5’9" and hunched over in this pic. There is no way it is a 40’ drop.

So lame that it is trespassing now. It is one of the most beautiful places in WNY.


JJ, i want to make fat chick comments, but I will be good.

that sucks about the tickets

That does suck. I’ve never been there but looks like a nice place. On one hand if someone paid for the land it’s there’s and can do what they want with it, but without signs I don’t see how they can ticket you. I believe that it is the owner’s responsibility to install a permanent sign if they don’t want people there since they know it is a popular place to go. But on the other hand, it’s a work of nature and should be open to the public so everyone can enjoy it.

When I went back home to NH earlier this year, my brother and I took out the quads and went to a run of power lines a couple miles behind my parents house. We have been riding and hunting out there for close to 15 years. But some guy bought the land, didn’t post it, but stepped out from behind a bush while we were riding and kicked us off. He said that he liked small towns but always has to move because no one in the towns like him(I wonder why).

Either way, it shouldn’t be our tax money paying for the patrols through private/posted land. If the owner wants to make sure no one is there then he should pay for private security.

thats fucking bullshit i went there a few times last summer and probly 20 times 2 summers ago i love that waterfall.

me and a few friends usually go, no alcohol or food or anything we just hike to the waterfall, that was the only reason we went there

that place is one of my favorite things to do in the summer this is fucking gay i remeber hearing mad rumors about it being private land last year but never saw any signs or nothing

fight it man

Official Final value?

$250 per person. Town of Persia made $1500 for this.

A friend which is a Sheriff told me that the falls is marked private but the river is not,that is owned by the state, and he said that as long as you don’t get caught on land they can’t ticket you! Easy answer, STAY IN THE WATER!


A friend which is a Sheriff told me that the falls is marked private but the river is not,that is owned by the state, and he said that as long as you don’t get caught on land they can’t ticket you! Easy answer, STAY IN THE WATER!


I’m betting that you didn’t read the thread…

Three of the people ticketed were in the water when the DEC showed up.

Tell your friend the sheriff to make permanent signs, or AT THE LEAST signs that are out of reach of drunken horny 17yr old hick-spawn.