One of the staff at the high school I work at has an Oldsmobile 350, running, in his father’s '80 Cutlass. He wants to get an '86-'87 307 Cutlass and swap it in. Would this work, without different motor mounts, manifolds, etc? I know nothing about these cars or engines.
it would be a direct drop in, every thing would bolt up. but why would he want to swap an olds 307? they were like the worst engines chevy ever made (in the SBC lineup anyway)
Olds blocks were all the same. So as long as it is an Olds 350, the Olds 307 will swap right in without a problem. But if it is a Chevy 350 it will be different completely, including the tranny.
No no no…lol. I had to read it like 5 times. He wants to get a 307 " at the moment equipped" Olds cutlass and put the Olds 350 in it.
Simple answer is yes. its a bolt up motor mount wise.
The trans, I dont recall it being different either. There ~was a BOP (Buick, Olds, Ponrtiac) specific bolt patern where they each had their own. But, dont remember if it went to the Olds 350.
Is this a 350 Rocket? Not realy any different that a chevy 350 as far as performance its just that its the size of a big block = heavy.
yeah, upon second reading now - sorry if i confused you guys. he wants to put the '80 Olds 350 engine into the '86 Cutlass (that came stock with a 307).
i’ll do a lil more research on g-bod forums for this. it is kind of a particularly uncommon swap. thanks for the responses to my goofy phrasing :picard: it’s been a :picard: kinda week
He wants to get an '86-'87 307 Cutlass
IMHO the sexiest G body next to the GN
A friend of mine put a Olds 350 Rocket into a '80 Malibu coupe. Moved pretty good. Since that small cubic inch engine has the dimentions of a big block…I think he had to dent the heater fan box or something…this was like 10-12 years ago.