
Somwhere in Pittsburgh, the G-Body king is either a) crying or b)jizzing in his pants.

good link!!!

lmao I wonder who that is.

someone who had horrible taste in cars and is now trying to redeem himself

Located in MP

and throwing distances from maters

Ah read your post wrong. Thought you was hinting some one well known

no thats brians favorite cousin.

thats alot of gbodies to own.

that ad has been on there for months… i dont really feel anything… i mean they made so many of them, you can save them all… if those cars help one get saved then so be it.


$99,000 my ass

If I had it, I’d spend it all day long. 360 miles???

It wasn’t long ago that 30k mile GNX’s were getting that kind of money.

Is a Buick worth $99k? not really, but I couldn’t own one when they were new (I was 17) & this would be as close as I could get (other than my dad’s friend who had one in 1987 - I rode in it several times, but never got to drive it :frowning: ).