G35 vs. Sentra

i seemed to have caused some drama, im sorry

its not just this. its all ur posts

Its not about this thread jackass… just your general behavior.
You can be civil and have a decent conversation with people or continue to act like a asshole (case in point below)

Act like a asshole and thats how you will be treated.

I dont care what you do or say dude. You are a nobody to me. You are on here for a reason. Maybe it would be nice to get some input, criticism, ideas, and have a discussion with some solid people … but no… you like to play down in the dirt. Ok by me but then dont expect any respectable feedback.

You said that like I care…

I said it because it would be more help to you then myself. What you choose to do is up to you.

:lol: lets see them roll race. that was a funny vid though

Violator don’t you have a mustang to be cutting in half, or some armani shopping to do or something?

Says the guy who felt it nessesary to point out


Look at all the non-motorsports people in this thread… :rofl:

Should have posted this in kill stories, since that type of crowd seems to be the ones with the most to say about it…

Quick you better by a level 3 body kit and huge wing to make up the respect you just lost!

Nice piece of driving though.

honestly, good driving. who cares if you act like an asshole on the forum. its fun to be an asshole sometimes… it can stir up some nice drama…
i need some more seat time… hopefully this year my neon doesnt feel like acting up the week before an autoX, every autoX

Wow, this is really getting old.

Good job Jeremy, you’re a decent driver.


ohh no. the parking lot posing crew and super l33t street racers are losing respect for you. you better ride their cock and roll in a respectable car before your voted the next chump at the mighty taco club meeting.

seriously though…actions speak louder than words. everybody can sit and spew garbage from behind their keyboard but when everything is said and done, fairgentleman is one of the few people on this forum that is actually out on the track driving his car rather than posing next to it in a parking lot. and if your not out on the track with him your just a poseur.

<---- meh to good driving ------>

yea good driving…okay leave it at that…some people don’t care about it…i’m not saying thats me…but just because you want a nice car and go hang out at a parking lot doesnt make you a poser…just like if you’d rather build a track car and go to auto-x events doesnt make you one…you drive a TC…what does that make you? a pansy? debatable… i don’t know but some people should keep opinions to theirselves and not cry when some autox post gives you a big wedgie

:tup: poseur. you just proved my point. you judging a person based on the car they drive makes you a poseur. you sitting in a parking lot “posing” next to your car definatly makes you a poseur. and you posting in the motorsports forum talking shit to some “pansy” who actually has driven his car on a track and in auto-x events while you were posing in a parking lot surly makes you a poseur.

i have no problem with poseurs wanting to pose next to their nice cars in a parking lot. but keep your poseur remarks in the off topic forum. because here in the motorsports forum the mark of a man is based on his abilities…not his possessions. :slight_smile:

I bet that g35 has the stock tires on it still.

And I get beat by STS cars all the time :frowning:
What I learned last season -> more power means you should use it less, not more :wink:

lol, l love what this thread turned into

I wonder why you even bother coming into the motorsports subforum if thats your opinion?

Thank you chris, Anyone who actually knows him, knows that Jeremy is one of the most genuine, friendly and fun guys to hang out with. He is one of teh few people who has actually sacked up and put his money where is mouth is regarding cars.

offtopic, but chris isnt the kind of person you should call a pansy…

if hes a good guy, it doesnt show

oh, and i never doubted his driving.