G8 Vs Bmw


lmao good post

actually its’ dumb… does anyone honestly think thats a good comparison?

they forgot the important stuff… like showing the cars… i’m sure the ultra refinement of GM dashes goes unscathed on this model.


thought way to much into it.

… what else is new?

g8’s are crap cars… not even worthy of empty newport packs on the back seat. :slight_smile:

:rofl: I agree 100% except they look better under the pedals


nice video :slight_smile:

Id rock a 5 series over a G8 any day… as far as luxury goes, american cars just dont have it… Cadillac is the closest they come.

woah, thats under $30,000?

maybe I can convince my girl to get that instead of the TL-S

convince her to stop, letting you posting MY GF this or that is doing :stick:

just a coverup… g/f = b/f in his posts

Pretty weak video…but $ for $ the G8 is hard to fuck with. I would roc a G8 for $30K in a second…then when the LS3 model comes out it is gonna be hard to fuck with for the $$. I have yet to sit in one, but from what I read and heard they are pretty nice and quality is solid. It is hard to find a nice performing, high quality, sedan for $30K…I think GM did an awesome job on this one.

I’m pretty sure that the G8 looks like a ford 500 family sedan from the side. That’s just from another view on youTube. dumb