Game 1

:op: Brodeur > NHL

thibeau sucks!!! they shouldnt of signed him

yeah he gives up so many fuckin rebounds it aint even funny

yea im not likin him that much now

never did. i guess none of you actually seen him play. hes not a standalone goalie. his idle was ROY but he never became a god like ROY. probably better off with Fluery in there


some of the best and worst goal tending i’ve ever seen

Only 1 game guys…I still can’t believe we didn’t score in the first period, Brodeur was amazing.

Shoulda got Cujo

I’m not making excuses but, the new equipment probably had something to do with it. but over all the Pens looked really good. any other goalie than Brodeur, we would have had some goals.

STFU… he has skated in that equiptment PLENTY of times by now

oh well just the 1st game no big deal got the whole season ahead of them.

jesus fuck. 2 years of “OMG THE PENS ARE GONNA PWN!”

then one game and you’re all off the bandwagon. :rofl:

2nd.he was flopping around to much.didnt look like he saw the puck well.i counted at least five times that he didnt know where the puck was when they shot it at him

Thibeau didnt impress me. if the pens keep waiting for the puck to get to them instead of going to the puck then they are gonna loose anyway. Lemieux had the opportunity to bury a rebound, but he didnt take another stride to get there so the puck didnt make it to him…

the pens definatly had more power play shots and chances. the devils just have the best goalie in the league IMO. the pens would have been within 1 or 2 easy with any other goalie

hes not as great as you are claiming. pens just didnt look right especially with all these stars.

cujo is way past his prime, thibeau isnt a right goalie. you can have all these superstars but if they dont work together then its nothing.

crosby did have a nice setup for that goal of ours.

equipment shouldnt make a goalie at all. if you have to live off your large pads then youre not as skilled as some make you out to be. like i said thibeau copied ROY’s way of playing along with his way of using oversized pads and not it could be affecting him.

its not just one game. the preseason sucked also. they need to think about Fluery and get his confidence up

quik’s right. brodure is a good goalie, but he’s beatable.
you cant expect to throw a bunch of perimeter shots at him and wonder why none of them are going in.
Look at the 1 goal we had. simple pass play in front of the net, not a slap shot from 4 miles away.
Plus, all these new rules are ment to make the game more exciting for the fans. so there will be a lot of high scoring games. 5-1 isnt a blow out like it used to be.

we had a 5 on 3 powerplay and only managed to get 1 shot on net. The devils were blocking everything

…ugh its 1 game. theres alot of hockey left. i think they’ll be fine. the offense will come. as far as thibault, he had the best camp. i went down to watch some of the practices/tournaments and he was the best goalie we had. he didnt play well last night, but again…its one game. if Fleury was playing better he’d be the starter. Fleury is my favorite goalie, so its not like i dont want to see him play, but Thibault is a good goalie and he’ll be fine.