Game Over (Game On?) for Financial Markets?

hmm, I didn’t realize the federal reserve was so privatized. Weird.

How many bad decisions do I have to make to get money?
A mere million dollars would do wonders for my company and the families that work here.
It would totally change our debt structure.
They spend more than that every second, I am only asking for one second!
We are only asking for 1/85000th of that money.
Would they even notice if 1 of 85,000 units was gone?

Dow is down pretty hard again today.

If I were running for president, I would probably just back out and let the other guy win. Fuck this mess.

And we “aint seen nuthin yet”.:ohnoes:

This market crisis is coming up with some pretty good picard faces.
homepage of CNN:

in interesting solution would have been to take that 86 billion and disperse it over the american people. would have been a better solution IMO. lol

The economy is slowly falling into nothing but NYSpeed gets good laughs. :lol:

I still keep thinking about the fact that this was caused by just less than 2% of housing loans gone bad.

That is just staggering to me.
I wish I only had 2% bad debt
Mighty Taco probably throws away more than 2% of it’s food!.:biglaugh:

Naw Joe you know better. His coke guy is just stuck in traffic.

Side note: Oil is on a small rise and gold is on a HUGE increase, almost up $100 the last few days.

Our balance sheet department is right next to me…they are getting pestered to no end by regulators trying to convince them to pursue WaMu.

It is probably eaisier to get coke in that building than it is to get sweet and low.:biglaugh:

You haven’t been around financials long enough then. Or else you would know that all the sweet and low packets there are actually coke LOL.

financed by CDCB :slight_smile:

paging misteroman$$$

Precisely. The more sugar packets we sell, the more financing we have to dump into dead cat bounces.

Drew, I’m really close to pulling the trigger on fannie/freddie. I was thinking about them after we talked last night…

Machine gun Joe…machine gun.

I can buy 1000 shares of each for $700. If they make any kind of recovery I will be sitting pretty.

Lehman finally sold to Barclay’s. it’s now at 12 cents.

Yea it might be worth picking up some at that price to see what it does. I mean who really cares about $500-$700? Shit I am down $1,200 so far today but it happens. :ohnoes:

I was actually thinking the same thing. At such a cheap price its got a huge return on investment it works for little money.