Game Over (Game On?) for Financial Markets?

LOL but it has been taking a beating for the last month:banghead:.What I invest in, there is not so much of a swing and even though an ounce of silver is down $4-5 in the last few months It didn’t really hit me.I know penfold and a few others will agree,I think you are going to see some major restructing of the US dollar cant keep printing the money like they are and expect it to be worth anything.
The US dollar is only backed by the US’s word that it is worth that and I think the world would agree that the US in in serious trouble.
China,Japan,Dubai,etc. love it as they are buying up assets left and right.

We could see a 4 digit Dow very soon…

Ugh I was watching ford. and this is one bad quarter for it… on top of that…

thats not going to help it at all… Already down 8% today :frowning:

Spitzer and one of his witch hunts…

Maybe this problem could have been avoided if Carey Goldberg still ran the show.
I guess we will never know.

I can’t even look at that asshole without getting mad.

Just Karter was calling one of the traders with his plan to fix it.

lol, +carmah

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Fannie Mae down to .40 today…tempting.



Last time I spent(lost) this much money in a week I had much more fun. :frowning:

Ya you guys could have taken that money to the casino and left in the same situation but at least there, you could have drank for free and had a better chance of coming out ahead. lol

Shit I could have taken a vacation to Vegas for a weekend and gambled there. :violin::lolham:

The dead cat bounce on LEH paid for my vacation there next month. You won’t come down 10/18-10/23. You won’t. FGGT.

i gotta start bouncing cats.

We’ll cross train you at CDCB.

I remember the first dead cat bounce I ever played I made about $3k in 30min. I didnt even know what to do lol I was like confused and nervous.

RSKY BSNS!!! But if ya got the loot then hell yea.

Yessir! Next meeting will be in December…bring you “supplies” and “study material”

much better. made back what i lost yesterday plus about a grand.

so, you’re buying the beer tonight huh