garbled text on first boot... video card a POS?


I stated that his pc might be bottlenecked because of the lower quality component he used for his vid card. Surely you understand this?

Amazing cpu + mobo + ram + etc + crappy video card from 3 years ago = the rest of his system bottlenecked.

Glad that wasn’t the case, but I still wouldn’t have wasted 90 bucks on a 5200. I have one sitting around my house I would have given you.


thanks, if you have a PCI-e card, I’d definitely take it off your hands. I’d like to test that port to make sure that it is indeed working.

And I don’t really care much about the $$$ spent on the 5200… as soon as the 8800GT gets here, it’s getting returned :smiley:

They should be ashamed of themselves. 20.00 is too much for a 5200, let alone 90.00 lol It was pretty embarrassing waiting in line with it too