Gas Prices... wtf?

I am not sure how this turned into, a you are poor if you are bitching about gas prices, from a complaint thread about why we are spending more money on fuel then the rest of the country.

I already explained it everything else is so cheap in Buffalo it doesn’t matter!!


But seriously it just seems like a dumb thing to talk about. I will never understand peoples’ fascination with the price of fuel… of all the things that affect Joe Public financially, it just seems so inconsequential.

We are talking about a 10-15% price disparity from the rest of the nation.
Figure that is like paying $3-5,000 more on a $30,000 car than everyone else.

Its simply something that we see and deal with daily, and somebody is getting screwed.

It looks as though some people are possibly thieving millions from the area just in the gas price difference.

It might be the politicans(taxes)
Or the distributors,

Or just an invisible cost that cant be fixed.

My bet is its due to a logistics glitch, like getting milk from the store across town instead of down the street.

The funny thing is people bitch about this once a year or so, some grand standing politician forms a committee to look into, and that committee always comes back with the same answer… it’s simple economics. WNY gets it’s gas from east coast refineries, we’re at the far end of their pipelines, so we get the shaft. Then you pile on NY’s high taxes, our seasonal blend requirements and over-regulation and you have the perfect storm of pump rape.

Good read here about the pipeline issue. But yeah, we don’t want to have a pipeline to get access to that Canadian oil.

Diesel has stayed within $0.05 since I bought my car in back February of this year!