So how does this work... (gas related)

Driving home all of a 1/2 hour ago, going by all the gas stations on the blvd seeing the “new norm” i guess…3.69/.79/.89 all around…then bam. the mobil on the corner of ridge lea and the blvd…3.09/.24/.34 :eek:

i think :bsflag: but pull in to check…all out of 87…all out of 89…but the 93 pumps are all open and chock full. so for 3.34/gallon, i filled up the deuce, went home, got my wagon, filled that up, and grabbed two 5 gallon tanks and filled those with 93…can’t even find 87 for that cheap anymore :tup:

best part was as im filling up the deuce, some guy in a truck rolls by and is like “oh man, they’re all out of regular, guess im going to have to go down the street.”
“sir, you realize its cheaper for 93 here than it is for 87 ANYWHERE else?”
“oh yeah, good point…” then proceeds to leave
some people…

great heads up man…lol its 6.25am and i just ran over to fill up on 93 lol…i think i saw 10 cars roll in looks at the pumps and then leave.

dammit its too farto even be worth it - any good prices around lancaster?? i dont feel like hunting for gas prices, and i need to fill today im going to rushford and back in the 10mpg stealth :tdown:

need to find somewhere decent near main in williamsville

shit maybe ill have to go fill up there

and there all outta 87??? so if i fill up on 93 will it matter (prob a dumb question)