gas question

Wow, a bottle of that NOS brand octane booster would actually raise a 16 gallon tank 2.5 AKI points (whatever the units are). I’m surprised.


I checked all my fluids and air filter and everything today. They are fine. The dry gas helped. It is at least idling better, still not quite as torquey.

it is all in ytour head

btw, is it worth it?

the 25 cents you saved…?

Not by the time you drive all the way out to the rez for gas :shrug:

he lives 10ft from the rez…

I live about 3 min from the rez, and when I can throw 30 gallons of gas into my truck for $65… yes it is worth it.

Well in that case… :tup:

I’m talking about the people that insist on driving 20-30 miles in just to go to the res because “gas prices are cheaper”.

f that mobil ftw

delta sonic… mobil charges too much here in willyville.

  • i live right infront of delta by that bowling ally


BTW - The only reason it would be worth the time for those folks is cheaper cigarettes.

delta sonics gas is horrid… ill pay the extra for mobil, price dont really bother me, plus ive never had a problem with mobils gas

I’ve never had a problem with Delta? I’ve used it for years with 3 different vehicles, ranging from an F150 with a 300 cube I6, a GA16 Sentra, and my Jetta. If anything, I got better mileage out of the Sentra with delta than with other stations. No funky carbon buildup or anything. With the other 2 it didn’t matter. Granted I probably could have pissed in the tanks of that truck and had it run OK…

i stopped goin to delta after i got TERRIBLE gas mileage in the evo, hell even the DD ill go to mobil now lol