Maybe it's just my imagination...

but I really think that I get super shitty gas mileage with Delta Sonic 93 octane. I RARELY get gas at Delta Sonic, but a few of us met up there before Como park last Sunday. Driving around this week, I’m able to just watch my gas meter go down (faster than usual that is :slight_smile: )

I usually pump at Mobile/Sonoco/Noco once in a while because its the closest gas station to my house. Where do you get your gas?

umm its not, I happen to overhear a few of the higher up managers talking about the watering down they do with the gas so that they can charge less

i usually try and stick to Sunoco. Ever car i’ve ever had that I have put Noco in, its messed up the fuel filter or made my car run like crap, and there isnt really a Mobil near me.

i DO NOR trust the res, and those other smaller places make me wonder sometimes. and i usually try to stay away from Delta. just my .02

I still cannot understand why people put up with the lines and wait to get gas at a few cents cheaper at Delta. And cause the mass destruction of Maple to NFB traffic flow. Not so bad now with the addition but still.

It is unreal. People are cheap, I hope they do water it down.

Yea, I noticed delta’s gas is a little bit funky at times. Ever since I stopped going there and just getting Mobil gas my car seems to run a lot better and gas mileage is better when I’m out of boost :wink:

:tdown: to rez gas. I only get it there once in a great while…when its over like $2.90 a gallon at the reg places.

I don’t get rez gas because of two reasons:

  1. It sucks
  2. To drive out there wastes to much so it’s not worth it.

I’ve never had a problem when I get Delta gas. If there is a line I just go somewhere down the street. I try not to fill up in Williamsville because it is always a bit more expensive then in NT.

Also, since we are on the subject… why do people go to Mobil? It is almost ALWAYS 10 cents more than the place 200 yards down the street. And it’s not “full service” even though that means shit these days. Full service used to mean lot more than just pumping your gas for you. Boycott Mobil gas!

The rez is less than a mile from me.

the rez gas doesn’t suck actually.

I don’t know where on the rez you guys are going, but if you go to the good places, I can gurantee you won’t have any problems.

I know one guy who fills up his Lambo @ his shop on the rez … and the other owner has no problem filling up his AMG E55 or his SL500…

If you guys don’t know the shit hole gas stations from the good ones, thats is not their fault.

Man this sucks. They should tighten up gas regulatory tests

4 corners gallon is not a gallon, FYI.