Gasoline is Cheap

I agree…

I agree too, but they did a piss poor job of easing into $4.00/gallon.

I mean jumping from $1.25/gal in 2001 to $4.00/gal in 2008 is crazy. I wouldn’t even think twice about it if it was going up maybe $.25 every couple months.

Oh well, just gotta deal with it.

i hate reading articles where people compare the cost of gas (per gallon) to the cost of other, more expensive liquids… calogne, beer, bottled water, etc. Lame, unless your nh4442, who uses a gallons of calogne at a time?

Who cares how much gas prices are, just redo the budget a little bit and move on.

It you really cannot afford it, sell the car, get a job close to home, and ride a pedal bike everywhere.

Truth, prices will continue to climb…instead of complaining I adjust the budget and my life a bit and move the fuck on.

I agree

Do the math. Lets say from Jan '01 to Jan '08…that’s 84 months. We saw an increase of $2.75 over the course of those 84 months (7yrs).

84 months / 2.75 = 3.27 CENTS increase per month! (Seems rather small)

You wouldn’t notice 25 cents every few months? Lets say it went up 25 cents every 4 months…over the course of the above mentioned time gas would be $5.25 right now. In reality it’s shooting up faster than that, the increase curve looks damn near exponential over the last 2 years.

I meant I agee with the increase over the past few years is rediculous. Nothing else can keep up with it like cost of living increases. Now due to everyone scrambling to adjust prices for everything, Prices are going up across the board.

If you really cannot afford it, sell the car, get a job close to home, and ride a pedal bike everywhere.


It’s still expensive. I can see where that article is coming from, so it isn’t expensive compared to other countries and inflation, but it’s still a lot. The gas prices keep going up, and the paychecks aren’t. This is where the problem lies.

I didn’t narrow it down to an exact number, I meant that it’s going in spikes. Over 12 months it’s increased $1.00/gallon, btu then there are a few months where it may only go up a couple cents/gallon.

I just meant it would be easier to jsutify if it was a steady increase. Your math is irrelevent since gas hasn’t gone up $0.327 every month for the past 7 years.

who’s paycheck isn’t going up? Are you still making what you made 7 years ago, 2 years ago, or even last year? If so, you need to try harder at work or find a different career.

I have to agree, while I’d like for my paycheck to continue to go up, my paycheck has increased 258% in 7 years haha.

stfu…it’s easy to say when you do not pay for gas…not everyone gets a gas card for their job :slap:

I understand inflation …but when a barrel of crude cost $2 to produce and it sells for $135/barrel then it is a bit crazy

All i got to say is beer is now cheaper than gas drink dont drive lol!

Im in you gonna be in town for the 4th?

Or do the watermelon crawl!

I agree, in the grand scheme of things gas is really not all that expensive compared to other rate increases of stuff.

i doubt it i work till 7 up here