Gauging interest in Drift Event

na i don’t think it is. crank windows and no power mirrors.

booo! to those who paid 400.

i payed 2K cash for a SE. :frowning:

Cazwrx. i appreciate you deleting the quote. I regretting typing that immediately. Although I still meant what I said. I wanted to tone it down language wise.

By Saturday we’ll release the event date, and a rough draft of a course configuration.

did you talk to D1 joe yet lol?

I actually didn’t do that, Benny did.
I was just about to :rofl

Yeah, he called me today at 9am.

what will i get if i get underage girls dressed in standard umbrella girl style to show up. Maybe 5-6 of them.

How much alcohol and cigarettes you paying them?

You were 'about to ’ delete it 5 hours later?

My nuts, chuck. You suck.

About to just then. Then I saw what you wrote. :cry:

You suck chuck

I pay in mustache rides my friend…

mustache rides

if it’s snowing on sat night after our meeting i say we go and rally lake desolation rd. i’ll take my lumina and sam you can bring the buick and we can do best time down and back.

well fuck, now i’m wondering if I should drive out or not. Looks like it’s going to snow all week into the weekend.

*edit oh just so it’s still on here. Jersey Fresh. Action shots are required from you. I haven’t seen a single one. Strange when you’re more than willing to post bitches on your hood. Cause right now, I feel you might be just acting like you drift, but you actually don’t. Please prove me wrong.

if need be we can do it some other time.

No i’ll come no matter what, I’ll just borrow someone else’s car. I was just looking forward to having some fun this weekend.

alright cool.

yea i dont know if i’m bringing the car out this weekend unleeeessssssss you want to help me find whats leaking and what I fucked up in the ass end after last time…

plus if the weather is real shitty then its a def no go

and I dunno how michelle would feel about the buick, maybe the prelude…VVVVVTTTTTTEEEEEEEEEEEEEECCCCCCCCCCCCCC

finding the leak is no big deal and the rear end is gonna need those subframe bushings yours are worn out. get those subframe collars i told you about and prob solved.