just reaffirming your limp wristed faggotness?
least he runs his car at the track :kekegay:
I’ve made many many passes at the track with various cars… I just have no interest in running my gto
I’ve made more passes on some of my cars in a day, than he has in a lifetime
Not once did i bash on your car, yet you come at me bashing on me and my car? dude seriously, grow up. A girly car? hmm yeah ok, apparently you didn’t go to the auto show in pittsburgh, or the one in cleveland. the Scion tC is probably right now the HOTTEST import to have on the market. I love the GTO b/c of the POWER it produces. I HATE GTO owners who rev their engines at little cars and the GTO owners act like they are the shit!
callin me a faggot? wow thats middle school trash talk there.
and im sure you do waste gas on cavaliers and bolt on hondas and any other car which you know you could auctally beat. …which auctally
come to think about ANY car with some decent work under their hood could in turn auctally smoke your precious GTO.
just keep in mind…not once did i rip on your car…yet you being all “mr big and bad gto owner” just had to cross the line and call me a lude name and rip on my car …which i never once mentioned my car in this thread
and you state you “hate ricers” i’ve seen GTO’s with body kits, wings, intakes, yadda yadda, and auctally any car can get classified as RICE
sigh…why dont YOU do us all a favor and grow up!
Next time you make a post like this at least say you saw a Lamborghini Giardo and he revved his engine at you, instead you say a CAVALIER, which i highly doubt a cavalier would rev his engine to a GTO for christ sakes, you know damn well you revved it at him to show off…
lol, hardly. my GTO is a slug compared to shit I’ve owned, it’s my method of transportation… it just happens to be faster than most production vehicles on the road.
Can cars with work done beat a stock 05 GTO? I’d hope so… a stock 05 only runs low 13s, hardly impressive… now I know low 13’s is the holy mecca for a scion, but that is slow as balls for me
If I rev’d at another car, you wouldnt be able to hear it
and the Scion tC being hot? lol… get a clue kid… you’re in denial… may as well lump your car in with the beetle convertible, every little girl has to have one
why would i need to get a clue?
The Scion tC came out to the public in May and was available in June 2004
There was waiting lists for the scion tC, the average wait was 2-3 months.
They sold well over 30,000 tC’s in May 2005 ALONE
and the #'s keep going up
Hell, dealerships have a hard time keeping them on their LOT!
They come in, they are sold…
So if you can honestly sit there and tell me my car isnt a hot car on the
market I seriously think you might want to consider rethinking that.
well, I’m sure every girl begged their mom and dad to buy them one for high school graduation… I mean it is a cute girlie car
a girlie car that could and can whoop your gto’s ass :eek:
That sounds like something a “ricer” would say
note: you might want to change your signature…it’s obvious you do
care about peoples opinions…