u stfu no0b!
I am not totaly sure on this but i did a report on it and what it does along with cooling the air, that helps it but where u get power is it adds like 50% more O2 witch bumps the compression a hell of alot, if theres more o2 in there then u need more fuel to mix with it, dont hold me to that i only work at best buy…
yes jeeeeeves?
cause some places have no other class to put it in. there is a class at some races just for N20 fed rides. but by no means is it Forced. youre not compressing air at all
u hun.think about it! :itr41:
retribution… look it up
well if you get technical, N20 increases the air density when injected by cooling the air. Theoretically making air more dense is compressing
forced injection
bolt on… typical meaning is… header, exhaust, intake, suspension… i.e minor shit
although I wouldnt mind taking a crack at a few turbo hondas.
I know “slap on” turbo civics and integras usually only run low mid 13’s
race fm kids! :booty:
this thread is terrible
the start of it :eek4dance
then leave
maybe u should follow ur own advise!! :burnout:
its still not going thru a turbine
nah, I started it, I’ll go down with it