GCC=God's Concentration Camp

i hate everyone

except the randon guy banging you in the ass at that moment.

well yeah of course… and silver is a nice guy also.

aren’t they one in the same (silver and the dude banging you in the ass?)

typical behavior …like me like me like me like me… come on you have to like me…something is wrong with you if you dont like me. i mean i could understand this behavior from my dog but humans need to face the facts that people will not like them for whatever reason they feel like it. i have a problem with , not all, but a lot of gay people because for the simple fact i know they are gay means they made a point to make it known. i dont wanna know if someone is gay or straight. if i see to guys holding hands i dont even have issue with that… but i got issues with people that desperately flaunt that shit like and i have a bigger issue with people that question me like there is something wrong with me because i have a problem with it… i’m not the one going against nature sticking my dick in guys.

yeah… :idb:

I understand your point, you dont like feminine gay guys. That is fine they annoy me as well, I dont hate them but the sound of their talking makes my teeth grind. I only seen what you said as homophobic, not simple annoyance. My friend is nothing like that, you’d never be able to tell.

uneven sideburns… instant fail.

easy…although I don’t like to claim him most of the time, cutty isn’t the only graduate of central on this board

so there are a bunch of teabagging homo’s on the board from central?

where did say he was doing gay porn?

“It’s been a tough couple of weeks for Mr. Gechter, who has learned the hard way what happens when you try to use a gay porn career to finance your education at one of America’s most conservative Christian colleges.”

it was the 3rd paragraph you truck driving retard.

You pedo’s look for the word gay any chance you get.

maybe, instead of sucking guys off at the truck stops, you should pick up a book and learn how to read.

Is that the line you use
come here little boy, sit on my lap. Learn how to read here.

how do you learn how to read from a book? dont you need to know how to read to actually pick up a book and read it?

maybe you and shaggy should get a tutor to teach you how to read and write and think

The pedo is the one at truck stops without a truck . How else do he know dudes suck off dudes???

you need to practice how to read. How are you going to practice without words in front of you?

Easy it’s called alphabets. last i checked alphabet was not words.
First have to recognize letters

how do you know what a word means if you look at a chinese dictionary? you need someone to tell you what the fuck you are looking at to get an idea.

i know you need someone to teach you because you have failed at teaching yoruself so far.