GCC=God's Concentration Camp

on this note…


FINDLAY, Ohio – A student at a fundamentalist Baptist school that forbids dancing, rock music, hand-holding and kissing will be suspended if he takes his girlfriend to her public high school prom, his principal said.

Despite the warning, 17-year-old Tyler Frost, who has never been to a dance before, said he plans to attend Findlay High School’s prom Saturday.

Frost, a senior at Heritage Christian School in northwest Ohio, agreed to the school’s rules when he signed a statement of cooperation at the beginning of the year, principal Tim England said.

The teen, who is scheduled to receive his diploma May 24, would be suspended from classes and receive an “incomplete” on remaining assignments, England said. Frost also would not be permitted to attend graduation but would get a diploma once he completes final exams. If Frost is involved with alcohol or sex at the prom, he will be expelled, England said.

Frost’s stepfather Stephan Johnson said the school’s rules should not apply outside the classroom.

“He deserves to wear that cap and gown,” Johnson said.

Frost said he thought he had handled the situation properly. Findlay requires students from other schools attending the prom to get a signature from their principal, which Frost did.

“I expected a short lecture about making the right decisions and not doing something stupid,” Frost said. “I thought I would get his signature and that would be the end.”

England acknowledged signing the form but warned Frost there would be consequences if he attended the dance. England then took the issue to a school committee made up of church members, who decided to threaten Frost with suspension.

“In life, we constantly make decisions whether we are going to please self or please God. (Frost) chose one path, and the school committee chose the other,” England said.

The handbook for the 84-student Christian school says rock music “is part of the counterculture which seeks to implant seeds of rebellion in young people’s hearts and minds.”

England said Frost’s family should not be surprised by the school’s position.

“For the parents to claim any injustice regarding this issue is at best forgetful and at worst disingenuous,” he said. “It is our hope that the student and his parents will abide by the policies they have already agreed to.”

The principal at Findlay High School, whose graduates include Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger, said he respects, but does not agree with, Heritage Christian School’s view of prom.

“I don’t see (dancing and rock music) as immoral acts,” Craig Kupferberg said.

God Hates Fags

I am sorry Val but I have to agree with fshowcars. I’m all in favor of GCC’s action and would be very dissappointed if they hadn’t handled the situation the way they did. It has nothing to do with him being gay, poor, lazy etc. He broke the clearly documented rules. He even acknowledges this at the end of the article:

“I believe in God, that you are held accountable for what you do, that there are standards of right and wrong, If I could do it over again, this is not an option I would pursue”

If GCC would not have expelled him they would be hypocrites for not doing what they said they would do in the school rule book. This is just another stupid Pravda Gazette attempt to degrade those (in this case GCC) who hold to any type of clearly defined moral standard.

My biggest gripe is the fact that this guy took the lazy, cry baby way out. He didn’t feel like working evenings/weekends/early morning like the rest of us and loosing sleep studying. Instead he “jetted off”, probably was pampered with all his meals, car, hotel, airfare paid and then “jetted back” while his fellow students worked their butts off like the rest of us.

Enough of this “It’s all about me attitude”. Work hard, provide a legal service others are willing to pay for. If you take a job, go to a school, join an organization - follow the rules or expected to pay the consequences. Of course in the “New america” none of this applies, just sit on your hands and you’ll get a check, food or medical care from funds forcibly taken from those who work or are successful.

I don’t see where I have opposed anything or stated any opinion here, but if you want to get technical why not. Where was all this done? NOT ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. What does it have to do with the school? NOTHING. If they are to expel/discipline him, that’s their choice I guess and I am not disagreeing with their decision because they are not state funded and have their own rules, but then give him his dirty money back! Honestly, they just could have handled it better. Hypocrisy much?

OH, btw-how is it that this random male student find this out? Where was he watching this porn to find out that his classmate was doing this? He didn’t get in trouble did he? :squint:


Same way darkstar gets $$$ to mod his vette!

again…people are for rules until they are subject to them. kid shouldnt have went there.

think about sporting leagues though, RE: wasn’t on school property. Santonio was smoking a blunt infront of mellon arena… he was arrested. Didn’t happen on gameday or on the field, but he was suspended by tomlin for a game. seems like a similar situation, the student body is the image of the school and when it’s a private school it’s really their way or no way.

who knows this kid? who knows santonio? regardless, sanotio did something illegal by law not a rule by the nfl…did the nfl suspend him? NO, Tomlin did…:steelers:

lol @ the sexual insecurity all up in this bitch.

I saw that Kevin Bacon movie in the 80’s.