gear whine

The differential in my car is making a horrendous whining sound. Its not bad under acceleration, but when I let off the gas and coast its terrible, which is what has me puzzled. I’m gonna check the gear oil, as I know the pumpkin seal has a small leak (not a bad one), but it may have gotten worse :gotme:. Any ideas besides maybe no fluid?

You can start off by hopping off the internet, and checking your gear oil first and foremost…admittadly, I’m a bit anal about that though, as I change my geal oil once a year, minimum…but then again your tranny prob. don’t cost upwards of $15K…

lol true. its a 700r4 with a shift hardening kit.

sounds like a pinion bearing

thasts what I was thinking origionaly. but I have absolutely no fucking clue how to do one of those :frowning:

you are moving why do you care …

were is the “whine” comming from ?

I care becuase I’m not moving for a few months and it is my only form of transportation right now. Half the time when I work I have to drive my car to the job site. its coming from the rear end. I’m going to jack it up and check the gear oil right now