Gears of War 2 multiplayer help

Im having issues with gears multiplayer, I already did the port forwarding and that got rid of the firewall message I was getting. But I still cant get any matches going, waited 15 minutes and said fuck it and went back to playing horde. Anyone have any ideas on how I can take care of this?

This is pretty frustrating, I purchased all the maps, did the port forwarding, and I still cant play. This sucks.

Hmm I didnt have any issues recently when I did that but I did notice that my “horde” setting is now just all tickers which pisses me off

Yea I cant find any players at all, yesterday I let it sit searching for a team for 20 minutes and I got nothing.

I’ve never had to port forward shit… enable UPnP in the router if you have the option, if all else fails set the device as DMZ.

I found out the tickers on horde thing was a special weekend set up but somehow my system is stuck like that. IDK how but Im going to try resetting all the game defaults or try playing without signing on to live and see if that fixes it

Today its working, fucking weird. But whatever as long as it works.