Geek: Motherboard Issue. HELP!

Ok so in two years of working on PC’s I have never run into this problem and it is killing me. I think I know the answer, which is that the new mobo I installed is shot but it is literally brand new.

This is an old system that I am repairing for a family member:

ASRock K7S41GX mobo
AMD Socket 462
512MB DDR3 (PC2700)

I installed the new CPU, RAM and Motherboard into the system. Now I get a series of 3 POST beeps no matter what I do. I tried different RAM, different CPU, different PSU, tried taking the RAM out of the system, nothing. No matter what I do, I get the 3 POST beeps and no output. (Yes, I removed ALL peripheral hardware)

The beep codes for the AMI BIOS state it is stating a RAM issue, but I tested the RAM and it is fine. I get the beeps without RAM as well, so im guess maybe the RAM slots are bad on the new Mobo? Can’t find the solution anywhere…

i’d say you’re exactly right. RMA it. its rare, but sometimes parts come out of the box broken

Gotta be the slots.

X2 your RAM slots slept with a large black male.

Ugh, today is def one of those days!!!

It’s possible your board just doesn’t like any of your memory, but that is rare as well. Meaning, memory is fine, just not compatible.

Just RMA it. Today isn’t my day either. Finally get my video card back and still having small display issues. I’m thinking it’s my PCI-X slot.

Did anyone mention RMA it yet… becasue thats what i would do.

You must not work on computers enough :rofl

ASROCK sucks balls so much. A friend and I built a computer with one, worst experience ever, DOA. Had to RMA it, I think he ended up getting a different brand.

I use Gigabyte or Asus for basically all of my boards. Never had any issues. Although I might be having one on this Gigabyte board with the PCI-Xpress 2.0 slot although this board is like 2-3 years old so it’s served me quite well.


I’ve had at least 10 mobos in my experience be dead right out of the box.

You basically answered your own questions, those diagnostic beeps arent just there to play pretty music, if its telling you ram, you swapped rearranged and tried again and still getting it well then the slots are probably bad.

yeah asrock blows. Same here I bought a few to make systems for people and they are constant problems for me. BIOSTAR too sucks ass.

ASUS P5K… is a bullet proof board. I honestly built 15 systems with that board in the last 2 years and have yet to replace a board or get a doa one. That Asus baord I used way back when thats I sold to Chaz (MX5) on here is still kickin strong too.

Right now my main pc is an EVGA 790i board and is strong but has the same stupid cold boot problems every once and a while. It will not post and has a long single beep letting you now you struck out and need to try it again. you can honestly hit the power button once, 5 times, 10, in a row befor it will boot. its completely random. its a known bug too and EVGA wont do anything about it. $500 board shouldnt do that shit!

Next board is going to be an ASUS again in my gaming rig.

I run/build MSI and DFI exclusively pretty much. Never had an issue.

Oh trust me I have. I have completed roughly 1700 systems since January of last year alone.

shits chedda off the top kid. I completed 17000 yesterday.

really though do you build them bare bones for clients or what? u ever need any help!?! :thumbup

No, for the most part I do hardware/software fixes, upgrades, etc. Not really into building systems as that comes with huge headaches.

Well when you say “completed” systems you make it sound as thou you’ve “built” that many since last year.

Sorry that my choice in words led you to assume the wrong thing

For shits and giggles…

Did you check the supported RAM by the board brands/speeds and put one on that list in there. Some of the lower end boards can be very picky about the ram thats in them.

That’s what I suggested. It’s super rare though.

Yea I looked up the specs on the board for supported RAM and matched exactly what the manufacturer suggested. I even made sure the Mhz jumpers on the board were at the right settings for the RAM…

Either way I ordered a brand new one and RMA’s this POS.