Gene Haas sentenced to 2 years


The OJ cases pisses me off, but you’re pretty off base for comparing these two case.

OJ = found not guilty. (incorrectly in my opinion, but the verdict is what it is).
Haas = admitted guilt.

When you cheat big on your taxes and get caught you don’t just get to say, “Ooops, ok, let me just write a check and we’ll call it even”.


The VERDICT was his point and was the issue with this countries idiotic system of values.

He cheated with money, pay it back with money… whooptie do.

Lowlife Simpson killed 2 people and got away with it because he had money. THIS is what is off base. They should have cut his arms off and ripped his heart out of his chest… that would have been FAIR and on the same level.

In addition I would like to add that ADMITING GUILT is the stupidest thing you can do in our legal system. In the case of a traffic ticket for example, you admit guilt they give you a mandatory minimum ass fucking such as major points, fines, and a record.

You plead “not guilty” (what a fucking joke) you get off with paying the fines with no points and no record.

Our entire legal system is based on lies and MONEY.