As I said in the other thread:
I’m not saying profit is bad, I’m pointing out how a dealership can use a warranty, loan markup, etc. to work a deal. Most people simply don’t know this.
$100 or $1,000 it doesn’t matter; I watched them secure lower rates then “lie” to customers about the rate they qualified for. They’d say things like “try to hit him will the full points” when running a customers info, depending on how the negotiations were going. They were even told to express excitement over the “great news!” regardless of the rate when finally telling the customer even if the rate was garbage. Call it a “white lie” or call it “acting” but it’s certainly shady. You could tell that some salesmen had a hard time with this because in their gut they knew it was too. “I know that’s what they said to do but it doesn’t seem right” was a comment I heard.
I was just answering robftw’s question generally.
Guys, this is not a discussion about how dealerships make money or whether or not that is ok with anyone. Please keep the questions pertinent to my original post.